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Possible Westbound Freeway Closures | Monrovia Woman in Crossfit Championships

 ~ Through May 12, there may be partial closures of WESTbound and/or eastbound 210 lanes for Gold Line freeway-bridge construction. Closures will begin no earlier than 10 p.m. and end no later than 1 p.m. the following day. The construction crew members will be working on the mold into which they'll pour the concrete, and adding steel reinforcing. Source: Gold Line press release

~ Monrovia athlete will participate in Crossfit regional championships.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police: Shot in Shoulder, Herding a Bear, Open-Door Driving

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for April 26-29 – Brad Haugaard]

Following are the weekend's highlighted issues and events.

Assault With a Deadly Weapon

April 26 at 11:03 p.m., dispatch received a call from the California Highway Patrol advising that a male subject had been shot in the shoulder and was at a location in the 300 block of West Central. Officers responded and contacted the victim. The victim reported that he and a male friend were in the front yard of the location, and he was making his way to the front door when shots rang out. He was struck in the shoulder and immediately went inside the location. The friend saw two male subjects run east on Central toward Magnolia and out of sight. The victim was taken to a hospital, where he was treated and released. Investigation continuing.

Driving Under the Influence / Traffic Collision

April 26 at 11:36 p.m., a motorist reported a driver slumped behind the wheel of a vehicle at Duarte and Sixth. Officers responded and located the vehicle. The male driver was slumped over the wheel, the engine was running, and the vehicle had struck a fence in the 800 block of West Duarte. The driver did not have any visible injuries, but he appeared to be quite intoxicated. He was taken to a hospital to be checked for injury and charges will be reviewed by the District Attorney for filing consideration.

Residential Burglary

April 27 at 3:52 p.m., a residential burglary was reported in the 200 block of Poinsettia. The suspect(s) entered an unlocked window and stole cash and coins from an unlocked safe. The victims are elderly and had left the residence for only for a few hours to visit family. Investigation continuing.

Bear Sighting

April 27 at 2:05 p.m., a bear was sighted in the area of Sunset and Highland. Officers worked to get the bear to move north toward the foothills. The bear went up a tree at Highland and Hillcrest. The officers continued to observe the bear from a distance until it came down out of the tree. The bear then went back up into the mountains.

Large Party / Under Age Drinking

April 27 at 9:07 p.m., officers responded to a residence in the 500 block of North Alta Vista regarding a large party. When officers arrived, they assessed the number of people at the party to be several hundred. The only resident present was a 16-year-old male subject and there was no adult supervision. Alcohol and marijuana consumption had been taking place. Additional officers responded, including the Special Enforcement Team, the Foothill Air Support helicopter, and several officers from Arcadia Police Department. It took some time to clear the property of all the party goers. Several minors were cited for possession of alcohol. An adult sister of the 16-year-old resident responded and both were cited.

On April 28, the adult sister called police to report that a camera and a laptop computer were stolen from the house during the party. A young man was seen carrying a laptop from the party. Investigation continuing.

Possession of Hypodermic Needles / Possession of Anabolic Steroids – Suspect Arrested

April 28 at 1:59 a.m., an officer saw a vehicle driving out of a parking lot in the 400 block of Foothill with one of its doors open. The officer notified the driver, but the driver ignored him and drove away at a high rate of speed. The officer followed the vehicle and made a traffic stop in the 100 block of Acacia. Although the driver was found not to be under the influence, a full box of syringes and a package of anabolic steroids were found in the vehicle. The subject was arrested and taken into custody and a search warrant was written for a residence in Arcadia.

At 7:13 p.m., officers, assisted by the Special Enforcement Team, went to a residence in the 1200 block of East Magnis in Arcadia to serve a search warrant. The search warrant resulted in finding quantities of mushrooms and marijuana. Additional charges of possession of controlled substance and possession of marijuana for sales were added to the suspect's offenses.

Medical Assist

April 29 at 9:14 p.m., an officer was dispatched to the 300 block of West Colorado regarding a woman who was not breathing. When the officer arrived, he checked the woman's vital signs and determined she was not breathing and did not have a pulse. The officer directed the woman's fiancé to begin rescue breathing while he administered chest compressions on the woman. CPR was continued on the woman for several minutes until paramedics arrived and took her to a local hospital, where she received advanced medical treatment and was successfully brought back to life.

Stop Graffiti Bounty Program

One of the methods the Monrovia Police Department is using to combat graffiti in the community of Monrovia is the Stop Graffiti Bounty Program. If a citizen reports an incident of graffiti in the City of Monrovia that leads to the arrest of the suspect, the citizen will receive a $100 bill. Help keep Monrovia looking great!

- Brad Haugaard

No Flinging Monrovia Signs Over the Hillside Allowed

I ran into an acquaintance on the trails above Monrovia and he told me someone had flung the No Trespassing Because of Endangered Milk Vetch signs posted on the Clamshell trail over the side of the hill. I checked and I guess it was true because while the signs are now there they have a stern warning not to mess with city signs.

- Brad Haugaard

Military Re-Enactors, Yogurt, Huff on Governor's Bill

~ US Military re-enactors this weekend at Monrovia Historical Museum.

~ Yogurtland to open soon (east side of Myrtle just south of Foothill).

~ Senator Bob Huff, who represents Monrovia, writes: "Senator Mimi Walters and I recently sent a letter to Governor Jerry Brown asking for his leadership in urging his Democratic colleagues and the members of the Conference Committee on Public Employee Pensions to allow an up or down vote to be taken on Governor Brown's 'Twelve Point Pension Reform Plan.'" ( ) Comment: Here we have Republicans introducing a Democratic governor's bill, verbatim, and now the Republicans are asking a Democratic governor to try to persuade Democratic legislators to allow a Democratic governor's bill to be voted on. Bizarre.

- Brad Haugaard

Marines Order Drones from Monrovia's AeroVironment

Monrovia's AeroVironment has received a $3.65 million order from the United States Marine Corps for its Raven drone and a set of spare parts.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia School Board Member to Represent District at Democratic National Convention | Job Workshop | Library Friends

 ~ Monrovia School Board member Alex Zucco reports on Facebook that it "Looks like I'm going to represent the 27th Congressional District in Charlotte [North Carolina] at the [Democratic] Presidential Convention!!! Thanks to all the 141 people that came out to vote..."

~ All-day free workshop at the Library to help job-seekers freshen up resumés, interview wardrobes and sharpen job hunting skills.

~ Want to be a member of the Friends of the Monrovia Library? Membership meeting May 16.

- Brad Haugaard

Pea-Fowl Invade Monrovia

I took this picture today of two peahens (fancy tail is on the other side of the family, the peacock) near the parking area just south of Lime and west of Myrtle. Wandered in from Arcadia I guess. Hope they're just passing through.

- Brad Haugaard

Baseball: San Marino 3, Monrovia 0

San Marino one game out of first, with Monrovia and Temple City tied for the league lead.

- Brad Haugaard

New Paintings Coming to Monrovia's Segil Fine Art

Segil Fine Art will be presenting paintings by Felice Hrovat from May 6-June 2.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia City Council: New City Manager, Honoring Residents, Buying Lots of Stuff

 At the City Council meeting (agenda: ) this Tuesday the council will...

~ Welcome and swear in new City Manager Laurie K. Lile.

~ Recognize Mark Still as the 2012 Monrovia Older American of the Year.

~ Recognize longtime resident and longtime member of Kiwanis Don Yost for his dedication and years of valuable contributions to the community. Members of the Monrovia Kiwanis Club will be on hand to accept the Certificate of Recognition on behalf of Mr. Yost.

~ Consider authorizing the purchase of a $40,445 computer that will allow the Police Department "to use the current and future Spillman software versions, which are unable to run on the current server which is outdated." Comment: Wow! That's a way expensive computer.

~ Consider buying $14,536 worth of signs (two for each entry point) for the hillside preserve and recreation area.

~ Consider buying the Fire Department a new Records Management System for $19,988.82 (paid entirely by the State) and 19 iPad computers for $14,192.64 (paid entirely from the California Firefighter Joint Apprenticeship Committee).

~ Consider an updated and extended contract with Athens for trash pick-up.

- Brad Haugaard

Rubber Mold for Freeway Bridge | Monrovia Business Showcase | Huff on Money for Schools

~ Gold Line construction crews install rubber form liner along the inside walls of the bridge structure. These will result in the texture along the outside of the superstructure once the concrete is poured.
~ At the street fair tonight stop by and see the Business Showcase, more than 30 local businesses.
~ Video: Senator Bob Huff, who represents Monrovia, laments the death of his ads-on-school-buses measure and the setbacks reforming the legislature.
- Brad Haugaard

Lunch at China Express

Lunch at China Express, right next to the Rite Aid at Huntington and Magnolia. Very clean and nice inside. Got the lunch special with chow mein and drink for $4.99 including tax. Generous portion and quality fairly good.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Ghosts?

Ghosts in Monrovia? Hmm. Some stories.
- Brad Haugaard

Cinco De Mayo This Sunday in Monrovia

Cinco de Mayo in Monrovia

This Sunday, April 29, noon to 9 p.m., the second annual Cinco de Mayo Celebration in Old Town, at Myrtle and Colorado. Local artists and musicians. Entertainers include the Delgado Brothers, Ballet Folklorico and the headliner, Hector Dominguez Mariachi.
- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Spelling 'Zom-Bee'

Monrovia Spelling Bee May 19 at 1 p.m. at the Community Center. Students in grades 6-12 (public, private, or home study) are eligible. Email with name, grade, school and T-shirt size. Get back spelling bee rules and word list. This year's theme: "Spelling Zom-Bees."

Monrovia's Green Dot: Good Earnings | Water Into Mortgages

~ Monrovia's Green Dot Corporation today reported an 18% year-over-year increase in non-GAAP total operating revenues1 to $145.5 million for the first quarter ended March 31, 2012.
~ Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, who represents part of Monrovia, comments on Facebook that he voted against a bill (SB 900) that "originally dealt with water quality control boards when it entered the chamber and now it is dealing with mortgages after the vote. We literally had 30 seconds to read the new version of the bill. The bill passed 43-24."
- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Assemblyman's Audit-the-Legislature Bill Voted Down

According to a press release from Assemblymember Anthony Portantino, who represents part of Monrovia, his bill to audit legislative books "was killed this morning in the Assembly Rules Committee. The vote fell along party lines with 4 Republicans in favor, 4 Democrats opposed on the recommendation of Nancy Skinner, Chair of the Assembly Rules Committee."

AB 1887 would have asked the State Controller to take over and conduct an annual audit of the legislature's books for two years. After that, the Joint Rules Committee would take over the audit process. The bill also would have required the Senate and Assembly Operating Funds to return any unused funds to the General Fund.  Portantino said the Assembly is violating its own rules by not conducting a Performance Audit. 

In his testimony Portantino quoted the San Francisco Chronicle, "The Assembly leadership has demonstrated that it cannot be trusted to give anything resembling a forthright accounting of how these politicians are spending our money. It's time for an independent audit of the Assembly's books."

Source: Portantino press release

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police: Million Dollar Warrant, Bad Checks, Overdose, Arrest of Molester, Etc.

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for April 23-25. - Brad Haugaard]

During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 482 service events, resulting in 87 investigations.
Burglary / Forgery - Suspect Arrested
April 23 at 12:08 p.m., an officer was dispatched to a bank in the 500 block of South Myrtle.  A male subject attempted to pass a forged/stolen check.  A bank employee called police and upon arrival, the suspect was detained and subsequently arrested.  Investigation continuing.
Medical Assist
April 23 at 2:14 p.m., a 17-year-old male subject was found unresponsive at a park in the 700 block of East Lemon.  Paramedics took the young man to a hospital for possible overdose.
Grand Theft Auto / Vehicle Recovered
April 25 at 6:04 a.m., a vehicle was reported stolen from the 800 block of West Walnut.  The vehicle is a black, 1996 Honda Civic.  Officers checked the area and located the vehicle on Monterey.  Investigation continuing.
Grand Theft Auto / Vehicle Recovered 
April 25 at 8:04 a.m., a vehicle was reported stolen from the front of a residence in the 1400 block of Monterey.  The vehicle is a silver Honda CRV.  The vehicle was recovered later that day at 1:00 p.m. in the City of Fontana.  Investigation continuing.
Burglary / Warrant - Suspects Arrested
April 25 at 2:31 p.m., police responded to a burglary at a business in the 700 block of East Huntington.  A male and female subject entered and took numerous bottles of liquor.  They exited the store and fled in a waiting vehicle driven by a third suspect.  The vehicle was located by an officer and a traffic stop was conducted in the City of Duarte.  The driver was found to have a million dollar warrant.  All three suspects were arrested for burglary.  
Theft From a Vehicle
April 25 at 7:16 p.m., a theft from an unlocked vehicle occurred at a residence in the 700 block of West Foothill.  A stereo faceplate was stolen from the dashboard of the vehicle.  Investigation continuing.
Shots Heard
April 26 at 2:25 a.m., police received a call reporting shots heard in the area of Foothill and Grand.  Officers responded and searched the area, but were unable to locate any evidence of gunfire, witnesses or victims.  Investigation continuing.   
Detective Bureau Case Follow-up
On April 19, detectives went to an apartment complex in the City of El Monte and arrested a child molester who was recently released from jail and had reestablished a relationship with the victim he abused.  The victim is now an adult, but the suspect has been ordered by the judge to stay away from the victim, regardless of the victim's age.  The suspect was taken into custody without altercation.  The suspect has a preliminary hearing on Friday, April 27, 2012.

Senate Committee Votes Down Monrovia Senator's Ads-on-Buses Bill

Senate Republican Leader Bob Huff, who represents Monrovia, said Democrats who control the Senate Committee on Education rejected a measure today that would have allowed school districts to sell ad space on the exterior of their buses would have given them full authority over how to spend the resulting revenue. Source:

And here's Huff's comments on video:

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Summer School Choices | Music Dinner | Cupcake Contest | Scholarships

~ Full set of summer school choices at Monrovia schools.
~ Monrovia Music Dinner. Five bands, four orchestras, four choirs, one drum line. May 16. Details:
~ Monrovia Kiwanis Club Cupcake contest on May 19.
~ Monrovia Rotary Club giving out $22,700 in scholarships.
- Brad Haugaard

New Monrovia Gym | First Place in Baseball

~ New gymnastics club coming to Monrovia.
~ Monrovia baseball in first place.
- Brad Haugaard

Local Legislators Want Clarification on Gold Line's Use of Funds

State Senators Ed Hernandez and Bob Huff, speaking for legislators representing the San Gabriel Valley, have written to the Metro Gold Line board asking exactly how it would use the extra money the line would get if the Measure R sales tax is extended beyond its expiration date. They were also bothered by a $764 million funding gap to get the line to Claremont, and bugged that recent talk has been of the line going from Pasadena to Azusa rather than Pasadena to Claremont.

Source: Press release from Gold Line

- Brad Haugaard

Robber Bridegroom Performances at Monrovia High | Canned Food for Cinco de Mayo | Barbecue for Babies

~ The MHS Drama Program will perform its the first musical in the new Louise K. Taylor Performing Arts Center at Monrovia High. This American Fairy Tale, The Robber Bridegroom will play from May 2-5, starting at 7:30 pm. Tickets are $10 at the door and all are welcome. "This is your final chance to see a production under Mr. Segal's direction."
~ Monrovia Mayor Mary Ann Lutz requests on her Facebook page that if you bring canned goods if you attend the Monrovia Cinco de Mayo Festival Celebration this Sunday April 29, 2012 from 12pm to 9pm on Myrtle Avenue. All food donations will go to Monrovia's Foothill Unity Center.
~ Mark your calendar. Monrovia Chamber of Commerce wants you to know there will be a Barbecue for Babies (to benefit children with cleft lips in Guatemala) May 30 from 6-7:30 p.m. in Recreation Park (Olive and Shamrock).
- Brad Haugaard

Portantino Bill Would Require Politicians to Reveal More About their Finances

A bill by Assemblymember Anthony Portantino to update financial reporting for politicians and public officials has been approved in the Assembly Appropriations Committee. Portantino says the Form 700, Statement of Economic Interest, gives the public a way to keep tabs on the outside financial interests of officeholders and other officials to ensure that they avoid conflicts of interest, but hasn't been updated in more than 35 years. Currently there are four ranges for investments, property and income. This bill would revise the dollar amounts associated with these ranges to 8 levels for investments and real estate and 10 levels for income ranges. Currently, he said, "the forms are so general with such wide reporting ranges it's almost impossible to figure out just how much outside money politicians are making."

Source: Portantino press release

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Assemblymember's Rape Kit Bill Approved by Committee

A bill by Assemblymember Anthony Portantino to extend the time law enforcement has to analyze rape kits from two to five years was unanimously approved Tuesday by the Public Safety Committee. Portantino represents part of Monrovia. He said, "Not all rape kits are being tested in a timely manner and many languish past the statute of limitations for prosecuting the crime. It's frustrating to know a rapist could be walking the streets because a vital piece of evidence went untested and the statute of limitations ran out."

Source: Portantino press release

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia School Board Concerned About Its Internet Provider | Portantino vs. 710 | Students for Counselor

~ Monrovia School District concerned about its relationship with its Internet and telephone service provider, which is run by the former Superintendent's husband.
~ On his Facebook page, Assemblymember Anthony Portantino, who represents part of Monrovia, writes: ‎"710 freeway would be disaster for our region. Make your voice heard!" He links to this story about a freeway meeting - . Opinion: Sorry, I'd love to see that freeway completed.
~ Students trying to save Monrovia High counselor's job.
- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Relief Organization Warns of Hunger in Africa

Monrovia's World Vision relief organization warns that a "huge gap" in funding for aid projects threatens to leave millions of people in the Sahel hungry in the coming months. (The Sahel is the area along the southern edge of the Sahara Desert.)
- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia in Playoffs? | Postal Food | Tuition for Military | Surgery for Gordo | Former Monrovia Police Officer Promoted

~ Sportswriter Miguel Melendez thinks Monrovia High baseball looks good for the playoffs.
~ May 12 is Letter Carriers Food Drive. Locally, this will support Monrovia's Foothill Unity Center. Leave food by your mail box, the letter carrier brings it to the post office, and Unity will have volunteers transporting and warehousing the food. On its Facebook page, the Center writes: "We usually receive over 100,000 pounds of food on that day."
~ Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, who represents part of Monrovia, writes on Facebook that, "Today, I proudly spoke in favor of AB 2250, a bill I am co-authoring, which will give Military service members and their spouses in state tuition for college."
~ Help Gordo the dog get needed surgery after being abused.
~ Former Monrovia Police officer, Joe Allen, promoted to commander at Atascadero PD.
- Brad Haugaard

Assembly Committee Kills Monrovia Assemblyman's Whistleblower Bill

For the second time this year, a California Assembly Committee has killed Assemblymember Anthony Portantino's bill to provide legislative employees with protection from retaliation in whistleblower cases, according to a press release from Portantino's office. Portantino represents part of Monrovia. The press release continues:
"I am deeply disappointed that once again an Assembly Committee chose to kill Whistleblower Protection for capitol employees," said Assemblymember Portantino. "For more than 35 years, the Whistleblower Protection Act has covered employees of every other state agency or department except the Legislature.  It makes no sense that legislators would kill this bill; what do they have to hide? If we truly want to root out fraud and waste in state government, we have to provide protection for those who come forward with claims so they can be candid without fear of reprisal."
AB 2256 would have established the California Legislature Whistleblower Protection Act and would have given legislative employees legal protections from reprisals for reporting government wrongdoing such as waste, fraud and abuse. The measure would have required the Rules Committees of both the Assembly and Senate to receive written complaints and forward them on to the California Fair Practices Committee (FPPC) to investigate.  Penalties for retaliation would have included a $10,000 fine.
By maintaining a self-serving exemption we are communicating a self-serving message instead of focusing on common core values.  We should be fostering and encouraging folks to report waste, fraud and abuse, not stifling those reports," said Portantino.  "I am extremely disappointed that a committee which unanimously passed a similar bill in January would kill one today.  It begs the question, what is the Assembly hiding?"
- Brad Haugaard

Freeway Bridge Mold

Here you can see the mold taking shape into which the concrete will be poured for the Gold Line 210 Freeway bridge.

And here is a six-minute video of construction progress and what to expect. Very cool time lapse.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia High Dance and Color Guard Wins

The Monrovia High dance team took first place at the Southern California Classic at Claremont High this weekend and the color guard took second place in the divisional championships at Marina High School.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia High Reunion - Class of '72

Monrovia High School's Class of 72 is planning its 40th reunion, called "On a Hot August Night," 6-11 p.m. on Saturday, August 4, at the Santa Anita Inn in Arcadia. Bonus Friday warm-up event August 3 starting at 5:30 p.m. $75 per person. Send to Shirley Slattery, P.O. Box 2112, Monrovia CA 91016, by May 31.

Alums can call Shirley Slattery at 626-387-3906 for more information or on Facebook at: MHS Class of 1972 - 40th Reunion

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Edged by Glendora in Girls Track; Boys Win

Glendora girls track team edges out Monrovia 90 to 89.5 in Mt. SAC Relays for team title.  But Boys win!

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Assemblyman's Interest Rate Bill Approved by Assembly Committee

Assembly Bill 2048, by Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, who represents part of Monrovia, was unanimously approved by the Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee today. The bill would "ensure that interest rates will be calculated the same way for underpayments as it is for overpayments. When government owes taxpayers, it will then pay the same interest rate required of Californians who owe taxes." Source:
- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police: Biking Under the Influence, Boxers Only, Burned by Marijuana, Traffic Injuries, Shoplifting, Etc

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for April 19-22. - Brad Haugaard]
Following are the weekend's highlighted issues and events.
Driving a Bicycle While Under the Influence - Suspect Arrested
April 19 at 10:51 p.m., an officer was on patrol in the 900 block of West Huntington when he was flagged down by an employee from a hotel.  The employee reported a male subject who was at the hotel asking for free food and approaching guests asking them for money.  The officer searched the area and located a subject matching the description riding a bike without a light at night in the area of Encino and Alta.  The subject was detained and was determined to be riding his bike while under the influence.  He also had a small amount of marijuana on his person.  He was arrested and taken into custody.
Commercial Burglary
April 20 at 2:53 p.m., an officer was dispatched to a business in the 1600 block of South Mountain.  Loss prevention called to report a male Hispanic subject with a shaved head had stolen merchandise and fled the store through the exit doors without paying.  He was seen getting into a burgundy Ford vehicle with paper plates.  Officers responded to the area and made an area check, but the suspect was not located.  Investigation continuing.
Traffic Collision With Injuries
April 20 at 4:32 p.m., a traffic collision was reported in the 700 block of West Foothill.  A vehicle stopped to make a left turn into a driveway.  A vehicle following behind collided into the stopped vehicle, sending it into opposing traffic, where it collided with an oncoming vehicle.  As a result of the collisions, a fourth vehicle was also struck.  Two people were taken to the hospital for complaint of pain to their neck, back and legs.
Commercial Burglary - Suspect Arrested
April 20 at 5:44 p.m., an officer was dispatched to a business in the 1600 block of South Mountain regarding a female subject in custody for shoplifting.  The female suspect entered the store with a store shopping bag.  She selected several items and concealed them in the bag.  She then exited the store without paying for the items and was detained by store employees.  She was arrested and taken into custody. 
Drug Activity
April 20 at 9:32 p.m., a subject called to report that her tenants, who live in the 200 block of Jasmine, were badly burned.  The caller did not know how the male and female subjects were burned.  Through investigation it was revealed that the male subject was attempting to extract marijuana, which caught on fire.  He was walking out of the kitchen area with the burning container and the female subject walked into him, causing them to get splattered with burning extraction.  The subjects were treated by Monrovia Fire Department paramedics and taken to a hospital.  The male subject sustained first degree burns on his torso and arms.  The female subject sustained first and second degree burns.  Charges will be filed against the male suspect.
Parole Hold - Suspect Arrested
April 20 at 10:35 p.m., officers were dispatched to a residence in the 1800 block of South Peck Road for a second disturbance call on the same male subject.  The male subject had been involved in an altercation at the residence.  He had left the location earlier and was told by officers not to return.  He returned to the location and was causing another disturbance.  Officers arrived and learned the subject was on parole for assault with a deadly weapon and contacted the subject's parole officer.  The parole officer placed a parole hold on the subject and he was arrested and taken into custody.
Commercial Burglary
April 21 at 6:12 p.m., a burglary was reported at a business in the 300 block of West Huntington.  The victim reported that she left her business at 3:00 p.m. and everything was fine at the location.  She returned shortly after 6:00 p.m. and found that someone had entered through the roof and ransacked the business.  Investigation continuing.
Under the Influence of a Controlled Substance - Suspect Arrested
April 22 at 3:05 a.m., a motorist reported that a male subject, wearing boxer shorts only, was sitting on Myrtle Avenue, south of Duarte.  Officers responded and located the subject, who was found to be under the influence.  The suspect was arrested and taken into custody.  Computer checks revealed the suspect had three warrants for his arrest.  
Disturbed Subject / Mental Evaluation
April 22 at 4:07 a.m., officers responded to a residence in the 800 block of West Duarte Road regarding a violent subject who had broken a window and cut himself.  The subject had been drinking heavily, and it appears he tripped, knocked over a dresser and fell through a window, cutting himself.  Monrovia Fire Department paramedics treated the subject, who was then taken to a hospital.  At the hospital, the subject stated he did not want to live anymore.  The hospital will complete a 72-hour hold for mental evaluation.
Grand Theft Auto
April 22, three vehicle thefts were reported in the morning hours that had occurred sometime overnight.  The thefts were from the 1100 block of South Primrose, the 100 block of Pomona and the 200 block of East Maple.  All of the vehicles were taken from the immediate area of the owners' residences.  The investigation is continuing.
Grand Theft From Vehicle
April 22 at 6:38 p.m., an officer responded to the report of theft from a vehicle in the 2000 block of South Peck Road.  The victim reported that he left his vehicle unlocked and someone took his military-issue flak jacket from the backseat of his vehicle.  Investigation continuing.

Monrovia Schools Community Budget Meeting

If you'd like to hear more about the Monrovia schools' financial woes - and give your ideas - there will be another community budget meeting, this one at Santa Fe Middle School gym (148 W. Duarte Rd.), April 25 at 7 p.m.
- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Movie Music concert

San Gabriel Valley Choral Company "Goes to the Movies" concert, May 9, 7 p.m. at Monrovia Presbyterian Church. Songs from favorite movies. "Solos, duets, small ensembles, and the full chorale." Directed by Alexander Ruggieri ( ). Also, they're still looking for singers:
- Brad Haugaard

Berdan Records Opens in Monrovia

Grand Opening of Berdan Records at Myrtle and Olive.
- Brad Haugaard

- Brad Haugaard

Helping Monrovia's Foothill Unity Center

How to help Foothill Unity Center help people who need food.
- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Girls Named to All-Stars | Monrovia 0, La Canada 2 :-( | Portantino Visits Gables

~ The Star-News/Tribune has named three Monrovia girls to its All-Star Girl's basketball team for its All-Star Game. They are seniors Gina Henderson, Domynyque Johnson, and Kaela Barnes.
~ La Canada shuts out Monrovia women in two-run game.
~ Assemblyman Anthony Portantino reports on Facebook that he visited The Gables, an assisted living community in Monrovia, where he discussed politics with many of the residents.
- Brad Haugaard

Will Transit Sales Tax be on November Ballot?

Gold Line spokesman Habib Balian reports in a press release that a proposal by LA Mayor Villaraigosa to extend the Measure R half-cent sales tax indefinitely (for mass transit) has begun its way towards landing on the November ballot. He writes that, "The first step for the proposed tax extension has already begun at the State. A bill (AB1446) is currently moving through the Assembly."

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Library's 'Altered Books' | Crash Sends 2 to Hospital | Injured Student Returns to School | Huff on Budget Shenanigans | Cities Legal Fees | Bridge

~ Monrovia Library's "altered books." Some pictures.
~ Crash sends two to hospital.
~ Hit and run victim returns to Clifton.
~ Video: Senator Bob Huff, who represents Monrovia, on budget time "shenanigans" in Sacramento. He said the Senate is not following its own rules, and "the road to hell is paved with good intentions, but I'm not even sure the intentions are good." ( ) And here he is again, speaking to the Senate:
~ A list of how much LA-area cities spend on legal fees. Monrovia spends 1.8 percent of its budget on legal fees. Top is Signal Hill (4.3 percent); lowest recorded is Lakewood (0.3 percent).
~ Concrete will be poured for the main crossbeam and lower sections of the Gold Line bidge superstructure next month.
- Brad Haugaard

Lunch at Casa Jimenez

Lunch at Casa Jimenez. On Mountain just in front of Home Depot. Got the Buritto Pollo with grilled chicken from the lunch menu. About $8.45 with drink. Window sign saying changed ownership. Nice mild food, but with some spicy salsas if you want to give it a kick.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Drones in Morocco | Lots of Lenses

~ Marines use drones from Monrovia's AeroVironment in training exercises with Moroccan military ( ). Also, the Marine Corps is the first military service to adopt four different small drone systems from the company, at a price of $5.5 million ( ).
~ Monrovia's STAAR Surgical is celebrating a milestone - the number of its Visian eye-lens implants in patients worldwide has exceeded 300,000.
- Brad Haugaard

Young Monrovia Leaders

First ever Monrovia Area Partnership (MAP) Youth Leadership graduates, honored at the April 17 City Council meeting.

These young people participated in all-day training in leadership, getting involved in government and the community, problem solving and organizing.  Each youth partnered with a mentor from different agencies to help foster their work.
Congratulations to: Marvin Garcia, Erica Flores, Felicia Lay, Sara Santiago, and Brenda Evangs from the Youth Commission with their mentors Rudy Martinez and Tiffany Scott; Jessica Tang, Lawrence Spicer, Alexis Silva, and Paige Bullock from the Teen Advisory Board with their mentor Elizabeth Schneider; Savana Ayala, Cristian Lugo, Leslie Colin, and Edgar “Jr” Colin, from the Y-Life project with their mentor Ulises Gutierrez; Kourtney Mills and Priscilla Mendoza from the Boys & Girls Club with their mentors Monet Morris and Emily Samayoa; Perla Moreno, Jack Wallace, David Castillo, and Darwin Urzua from Quest Academy with their mentor Susan Hirsch; Jalen Masen, Diana Carolina, Sirena Aquino, and Khristina Suaraz from the Monrovia Unified School District with their mentor Samara Hirsch; and Ivana Peralta with mentor Monrovia Police Chaplain Terrence Brown.
- Brad Haugaard

Comedy Hypnotism at Monrovia High | Huff Bill Turned Down | How Much You Can Save if You Sell Your Car

~ Comedy hypnotism show at Monrovia High, 6-8 p.m. April 27 in the auditorium. "The Lino Esguerras Comedy Hypnotist Show." $10 at the door. Open to the whole Monrovia Community.
~ The State Senate has voted down a measure sponsored by Monrovia's Senator, Bob Huff, that would have made it easier to get teachers out of the classroom when they are "under investigation for unprofessional conduct and/or criminal behavior." Instead, the Senate passed a different version which Huff says is "watered-down."
~ The Gold Line folks report that LA-area commuters could save approximately $916 a month ($10,989 a year) by using public transportation instead of owning a car ( ). Comment:  Well... Seems rather unrealistic to expect many LA-area people to give up their cars. Tell me instead how much people would save if they own a car AND use public transportation.
- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police: Burglaries, and the Grandparents Scam

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for April 16-18. - Brad Haugaard]
During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 451 service events, resulting in 93 investigations.
Residential Burglary
April 16 at 6:45 p.m., police responded to a residential burglary that occurred in the 600 block of Ranchito, sometime between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.  An unknown suspect(s) entered the location through an unlocked door.  Cash and a laptop computer were stolen.  The investigation is continuing.
Vehicle Burglary
April 18 at 6:30 a.m., an officer was dispatched to the 1800 block of Eighth Avenue regarding a vehicle break-in.  The victim's GPS was taken.  Investigation continuing.
Vehicle Burglary
April 18 at 6:44 a.m., a vehicle burglary was reported in the 800 block of East Lime.  The suspect(s) pried open a window on the vehicle and property was taken.  Investigation continuing.
Vehicle Burglary
April 18 at 7:55 a.m., a vehicle burglary was reported in the 1800 block of Eighth Avenue.  The victim's vehicle was broken into and property was taken.  Investigation continuing.
Residential Burglary
April 18 at 3:56 p.m., police responded to the report of a residential burglary in the 1500 block of Pilgrim Way.  The reporting party is house sitting, and when she arrived at the location, she found that someone had broken into the home.  Investigation continuing.
Tip of the Week: Grandparent Scam - Don't Be a Victim
The suspects in this type of scam will call an elderly person and pretend to be a grandchild or young relative of the victim.  They tell the elderly victim they are in some type of trouble and are in jail, and that they need bail money.  They ask the elderly person not to tell their parents.  A second suspect then calls pretending to be the police and proceeds to give the victim instructions on where to wire the bail money.  
The suspects target older folks, hoping they can gain an emotional and quick response to the "need" to help out the young relative, and many times it works.  The victims will quickly go to their bank, withdraw and transfer the money in an attempt to help, and by the time they realize the scam, the money has already been picked up by the suspects and is gone.
It is so important to spread awareness and to educate those that we know in hopes of preventing this crime from happening.  If you have a loved one, a friend, or perhaps a neighbor that is older, share this information with them and help keep them from becoming a victim.

Comment: Yes! Be careful. This happened to a friend. A variation is that the caller says the grandson/daughter needs emergency treatment after an accident and doesn't have the proper insurance. Please send money. Contemptible! - Brad

Monrovia Lab Files Drug Application with FDA

Monrovia's Xencor has filed "an investigational new drug application with the FDA for a novel monoclonal antibody that was optimized using Xencor's XmAb antibody engineering technology."

- Brad Haugaard

SoPas Over Monrovia in Swimming :-( | Forest Volunteer Opportunity

~ South Pas Boys and Girls Swim teams over Monrovia.
~ A volunteer opportunity to help restore the watershed along Highway 39 (road up to Crystal Lake), the Forest Service and Upper San Gabriel Valley Water District are sponsoring a couple work days (for which students can get credit). This Saturday and May 5. Details:
- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Representative's Bill Would Require Teaching US Constitution

Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, who represents part of Monrovia, "today presented AB 2546 before the Assembly Education Committee to require that our founding documents and the development of democracy and the U.S. Constitution be taught in public schools. The measure, which passed with bi-partisan support, will also require that a copy of the California Constitution must be available in the classroom for students."
- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Fruit Expert | Cinco de Mayo Volunteers Needed | Shevlin in Lights

~ Dick Spezzano, owner of Monrovia's Spezzano Consulting Service, comments on the summer fruit marketplace.
~ The City of Monrovia is looking do volunteers to help out with the Cinco de Mayo celebration on, uh, the 29th of April. 
~ Councilwoman Becky Shevlin in lights in Times Square.
- Brad Haugaard

Be a Monrovia Member of a San Gabriel Valley Traffic Study Team

Metro/Caltrans technical teams are analyzing alternatives in an environmental study in regards to traffic congestion in San Gabriel Valley. If you want to be on a Monrovia Community Liaison Council to provide feedback on the study and be a lisason to the Monrovia community, sign-up by sending an email to with the subject line “CLC Sign-Up,” or call the project hotline - 855.4SR.7100 toll-free. A member of the SR-710
Outreach Team will contact you with information specific to your designated CLC. Source: Metro press release
- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia's Mt. Sierra Hiring | Portantino Bills Pass Early Step

~ Monrovia's Mt. Sierra College is hiring.
~ Two bills by Assemblymember Anthony Portantino, who represents part of Monrovia, to ban the open carry of unloaded long guns and to help branded prostitutes get a fresh start, were approved today in the Assembly Appropriations Committee. The measures go to the Assembly floor for a vote later this spring. AB 1527 makes it a crime to openly carry an unloaded rifle or shotgun in any public place and AB 1956 expands eligibility for tattoo removal programs to include prostitutes (pimps have been marking girls with brands or tattoos to indicate they are property). Source: Portantino press release
- Brad Haugaard

Overview of Monrovia Schools Budget: Biggest Challenges in Decades

By Superintendent Linda Wagner
At the present time, schools are facing the biggest budget challenges we have seen in decades. The impacts of the downturn of the economy were felt years ago. As we cut deeper and deeper year after year, these cuts are impacting students at an increasing and alarming level. 
Introduction to School Revenue
Monrovia Unified School District receives its funds from several sources. The most significant revenue source is the State of California. Schools are one of the largest places the State funnels their money. The District also receives funds from the Federal government, and local sources.
Slow Economy = Lower School Revenue
School finance is, for better or worse, directly tied to the economy in the State of California. When the economy is bad and property taxes are down, the State does not receive the same amount of money as in the past, and they have less overall dollars to send to the schools. 
Dollars are Decreasing Dramatically
The main issue at this time is the dollars for education are shrinking. We are now funded at a per student level that is almost identical to the amount of money we received in 2002-03 per student, and yet operating expenses have increased dramatically. There simply is not enough money to operate our schools. The Governor’s office understands the problem, and is actually considering reducing the school year by as much as 21 total school days to make up for the budget shortfall. This sheds lights on just how serious the problem has become.
To give an idea of the problem in local dollars, in 2003, Monrovia received 4,732 per student. In 2013, we are slated to receive $5,220 if the tax initiative passes and $4,765 if it fails. If we were actually paid what is due by the State, we would be paid $6,711. What a difference that additional revenue would make (and, don’t forget, the State owes us that money)!
Attendance is Essential
State funding is based directly on student attendance at school. It is not based on the number of students enrolled, but on how many actually come to class each day. Absences are no longer “excused” as they were in the past. If a student is not there, the District simply does not receive money for that student that day. 
Thanks to the hard work of students, staff and parents, Monrovia’s attendance rate has not been higher in over 10 years. We are presently at a 95.79% attendance rate. We know this can be improved by working together with families to ensure that appointments, day trips, vacations and fun outside activities are scheduled outside the school day. Ensuring that students attend school whenever possible is one big way we can all make a positive difference in student learning and in  Monrovia Unified School District’s revenue.
Two Basic Kinds of Funds
School districts have two basic types of funds. One type is “general”. Fund received for general purposes can be used for most types of expenditures. “Categorical” funds, on the other hand, must be used for very specific purposes. These types of funds include money to fund services for English learners, Special Education students, and more. 
“Sweeping Funds”
In recent years, the Governor has allowed previously very strict sources of categorical revenue to be “swept”, or taken by the general fund. For example, Monrovia once had a very large adult school. Adult school funds can now be “swept” for general purposes. Since the K-12 system lacks the basic funds it needs to survive, Monrovia has had to use adult education funds to support K-12 students. The impact of MUSD “sweeping” adult school funds is so significant that now the only classes offered in adult school are either financially self-sustaining or are required in order to make high school schedules and programs complete. Where we once served 7,000 adult school students, we now serve 1,500. Over time, the “sweeping” of funds takes away the impact of special programs, and as in the case of adult school, threatens to take almost the entire program. 
Cost of Living Adjustments
The State promises schools they will receive cost of living adjustments annually, however these adjustments are not being paid year after year. If Monrovia was to have been receiving the promised adjustments, and if Monrovia had been paid on time by the State, MUSD would now have almost $2,000 more per student than we now receive. For several reasons, including the slow economy, the State has not been able to keep up with these cost of living payments, and owes the schools a great deal of money. We are presently receiving 80 cents on every one dollar due for the purpose of educating our students.
Tax Initiative
The Governor has put a tax initiative on the ballot. If it passes, education will not get additional money, but MUSD will lose less. If it does not pass, MUSD will lose $455 per student more than we have already lost.
California has begun the practice of paying their bills to districts late. What they owe in December they may choose to pay, for example, in March. In some cases, the payments are so delayed that what is owed in one school year is paid in the next. Meanwhile, school districts still have to pay their teachers and staff, pay for utilities and operational costs. The result is that school districts are forced to borrow at a steadily increasing rate. So if you followed this discussion, the State is forcing school districts to borrow for money that is due, because the State is paying their bills late. This borrowing results in fees to school districts, which could have been avoided if the State had paid on time.
What has already been cut?
There is a very long list of cuts that have been already made, and are impacting students. It would take pages to list them all. Those directly impacting students include: 
- Class size increase in K-3 from 20 to 30.
- Elimination of the Monrovia High School Dean position
- Reduction of 5 school days and 1 staff development date
- Elimination of Monrovia High block schedule
- Reallocation of Adult Education funding
- Elimination of elementary and middle school summer school
- We stopped purchasing textbooks 2008-2010
What is Next?
At this time, the District is exploring what options remain for future cuts. We are seeking input from the public in the form of public meetings and welcome your input! Please see our website for a complete list of budget meetings.

Nominations for Businesswoman of the Year

Assemblymember Anthony Portantino, who represents part of Monrovia, is looking for women who excel in the workplace to be recognized at the 13th Annual Women in Business Legislative Update and Awards Luncheon. "Women in Business celebrates women who have contributed to the greater good of the region by advancing business and creating new jobs and serving the community." Call (626) 577-9944 for a nomination form. Source: Portantino press release

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Over South Pas | $180k for New City Manager | Portantino | Aerovironment | Portantino | Groceries

~ Monrovia High baseball over South Pas. :-)
~ New Monrovia City Manager To Make $185,000.
~ Assemblyman Anthony Portantino, who represents Monrovia, comments on his Facebook page about a bill being voted down that would require more legislative openness: "It seems the Assembly Leadership still doesn't get it."
~ U.S. Air Force Places $2.4 Million Order for some Puma drones from Monrovia-based AeroVironment.
~ You could win $100 in groceries for your next neighborhood get-together by submitting a story about your neighborhood. Deadline April 25. Details:
- Brad Haugaard

Two Bills By Monrovia Assemblyman Voted Down

Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, who represents part of Monrovia, proposed a measure that would have allowed deportable Mexican citizens in California jails to be sent to Mexico to serve their terms in private jails if the U.S. Government enters into a treaty with Mexico to allow that. The bill was voted down by the Assembly Public Safety Committee.
He also proposed a measure that would "have required the California Air Resources Board to issue a warning to businesses that were out of compliance for the first time. This would give the company a specified time to correct the problem and avoid a fine; otherwise the fine would be issued as usual." It was voted down as well.
- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Wrestling | Poor Scott Ochoa | Job Seeker Help

~ Dungeon wrestling at the Masonic Lodge on Foothill at Primrose.
~ With Kim Kardashian is thinking of running for the mayor of Glendale (doesn't quite work that way, but whatever - ), Monrovia School Board Member Alex Zucco remembers that Monrovia has just handed over its former city manager to Glendale. On Facebook she writes: "Poor Scott Ochoa." 
~ Looking for a job? From 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. every Monday, you can stop by Monrovia Adult School (920 S. Mountain) to search  job listings on the computers, get tips on resume-writing and interviewing techniques, and more goodies.
- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia's Representative Wants to Tighten Outside-Income Reporting for Legislators

Assemblyman Anthony Portantino, who represents part of Monrovia, has introduced a bill to require state legislators to more precisely identify outside sources of income when they assume or leave office. The press release:

Each year, politicians and public officials must complete what is known as a Form 700 – Statement of Economic Interest.  It gives the public and watchdog groups a way to keep tabs on the outside financial interests of officeholders and other officials to ensure that they avoid conflicts of interest.
“The problem with the current form is that it contains income ranges of such wide dollar amounts that it’s almost impossible for the public to decipher our actual outside incomes,” said Assemblymember Portantino. “That’s why I am proposing we modernize and update the reporting ranges to create a more accurate accounting and subsequent accountability.”
Portantino’s AB 2162, which calls for updating and restructuring dollar ranges, was approved today in Assembly Elections and Redistricting Committee. Currently there are only 4 ranges for investments, property and income. This bill would revise the dollar amounts associated with these ranges to 8 levels for investments and real estate and 10 levels for income ranges.
“These forms haven’t been updated in more than 35 years and are way out-of-date. It’s time to make sure the public, good government advocates and the media know where there are potential conflicts,” commented Portantino.
The Political Reform Act of 1974 requires persons holding specified public offices to file disclosures of investments, real property interests, and income within specified periods of assuming or leaving office, and annually while holding the office. The act requires the disclosures to include a statement indicating, within a specified value range, the fair market value of investments or interests in real property and the aggregate value of income received from a source.
- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia High Students Win Entrepreneurship Award | Bradoaks Auction | Parrot Utility Box

~ Mr. Sorgent's Small Business Management class and the Entrepreneurship Team's venture, Valuepon, won the gold medal in the SkillsUSA State Business Plan and Presentation Entrepreneurship Competition held in San Diego. Winning gold medalists included Amanda Mansoorbakht, Bryan Bravo, Breana Salgado, and Timothy Ramirez. They will compete in late June at the SkillsUSA National Competition in Kansas City, Missouri for the U.S. title as one of the best Entrepreneurship teams in the nation.
~ Bradoaks School Wild West auction.
~ A new prettied up utility box. It's got a parrot.
- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Assemblyman Would Require Legislators to Pay for Vanity Plates

A bill by Assemblymember Anthony Portantino - who represents part of Monrovia - requiring legislators who have legislative vanity plates on their personal cars to pay the same fees paid by the general public for personalized plates, has passed its first legislative hurdle. AB 2068 was unanimously approved by the Assembly Transportation Committee this afternoon.
Portantino said: "License plate fees are used to partially fund the California Highway Patrol. So, when legislators don't pay the full fee, they are in effect, stiffing the CHP."
Source: Portantino press release
- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Spot Welding App

Spot welding? Monrovia's Miyachi Unitek has an app for that.
- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police: Lots of Graffiti, Fighting (with Bats?), 17 Pairs of Pants, Shoplifting, Drugs, Etc.

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for April 5-8. - Brad Haugaard]

Following are the weekend's highlighted issues and events.
April 12 at 8:50 a.m., a caller reported an incident of vandalism in the 1800 block of South California.  The suspect(s) used a marker to write on a potted plant in front of a business building and on the windshield of two company trucks.  The investigation is continuing.
April 12 at 9:36 a.m., an incident of vandalism was reported in the 1800 block of South California.  Suspect(s) used a marker to write on some decorative glass next to the front door of a business.  The investigation is continuing.
Possession of a Controlled Substance / Possession of Drug Paraphernalia / Possession of a Controlled Substance for Sales - Two Suspects Arrested
April 12 at 9:42 a.m., officers were dispatched to a hotel in the 700 block of West Huntington regarding a gun found in a room.  The housekeepers found a loaded gun on the bed in one of the rooms and notified management, who then notified police.  Officers responded and were in the room when the two occupants returned.  Officers received consent to search the room.  Bindles of heroin, cocaine, drug paraphernalia and money were located in the room.  Both occupants were arrested and both admitted the drugs belonged to them. 
April 12 at 9:46 a.m., graffiti was reported in the 300 block of Wildrose.  The suspect(s) used white spray paint to write on the south wall of a garage.   Investigation continuing.  
April 12 at 11:44 a.m., an officer responded to the report of vandalism in the 300 block of East Lime.  Suspect(s) used white spray paint to write graffiti on playground equipment in a park.  Investigation continuing.
Vehicle Burglary
April 12 at 2:58 p.m., an officer was dispatched to a vehicle burglary which occurred in the 500 block of Parkrose.  The victim parked her vehicle and went into the elementary school to pick up her child.  She was gone approximately 10 minutes.  When she returned to her vehicle, she found a window was smashed and her purse, which was on the front seat under a blanket, was taken from the vehicle.  Investigation continuing.
Fight in Progress
April 12 at 4:53 p.m., officers responded to the report of approximately 10 subjects fighting at a park in the area of Shamrock and Colorado.  The caller reported some of the subjects were holding bats, and that a tan or brown pickup truck had fled the scene.  Officers arrived in the area, but did not see a fight.  They detained several subjects in the park.  They were identified and released.
Commercial Burglary - Suspect Arrested
April 12 at 7:52 p.m., an officer was dispatched to a business in the 100 block of West Foothill regarding a male subject in custody for shoplifting.  The subject had entered the store, selected several items which he concealed on his person, and exited without paying.  He was arrested and booked for the charges. 
April 13 at 4:36 p.m., graffiti was reported on the northeast curb in the area of Cypress and Sherman.  The suspect(s) had written on the curb.
Commercial Burglary - Suspect Arrested
April 13 at 6:51 p.m., a business in the 300 block of West Huntington reported a subject who had shoplifted went into a location at Magnolia and Chestnut.  The Special Enforcement Team and patrol officers responded, located the suspect and detained him.  He was positively identified as the suspect.  He had no money on his person to pay for the items taken.  The suspect was arrested for burglary and taken into custody.
Vandalism - Suspect Arrested
April 14 at 3:39 p.m., police responded to the report of three male subjects acting suspiciously in an alley in the 200 block of South Heliotrope.  One subject appeared to be acting as a lookout.  Officers arrived and found fresh graffiti in the 600 block of Wildrose.  A detective, who was in the area of Wildrose and California, observed three subjects matching the suspects' description and detained them.  
One of the subjects detained had a used can of white spray paint in his waistband and fresh paint on his shorts.  The paint matched the fresh paint on the structure in the 600 block of Wildrose.  The suspect was arrested and taken into custody.  He was later determined to be on probation for a prior graffiti vandalism case.  The suspect is a juvenile and was later released on citation to his mother.
The reporting party was advised of the Monrovia Police Department's Graffiti Bounty Program and will be receiving $100 for reporting this incident of graffiti, which led to the arrest of the suspect. 
Fraud / Parolee at Large - Suspects Arrested
April 16 at 1:30 a.m., an officer was dispatched to a hotel in the 900 block of West Huntington.  Hotel management was having a dispute with two of their guests about a declined credit card number.  Upon further investigation, the officer discovered the male guest was a parolee at large.  His female companion was found to be in possession of a vehicle filled with fraudulent federal, state, and miscellaneous documents.  Both subjects were arrested for the appropriate charges.
Special Enforcement Team Weekly Activity
On April 11, Special Enforcement Team officers stopped a suspicious vehicle leaving a business in the 1600 block of South Mountain for vehicle code violations.  The rear passenger ducked down and hid as the officers attempted to stop the vehicle.  The right rear passenger was found to have a glass cocaine smoking pipe in his possession.  He was arrested for the drug paraphernalia and four outstanding warrants for his arrest.  Seventeen pairs of Dockers pants were recovered from the vehicle, which appeared brand new with labels attached.  The driver and passengers did not claim the pants.  They were taken for observation, pending further investigation. 

210 Closure Tonight

The 210 eastbound will be closed tonight, April 16, for building the bridge mold, into which the concrete will be poured, between midnight and 5 a.m.

- Brad Haugaard

From Memphis to Monrovia | Early Monrovia News Clips

~ Video: A Tennessee church, Engage Memphis, helped with the funding to plant the new Fellowship Monrovia church that meets at the Community Center.
~ Snippets from early-days Monrovia newspapers.
- Brad Haugaard

Video of Food Truck Association Lawsuit Vs. Monrovia

Video about the lawsuit by the Southern California Mobile Food Vendor's Association against Monrovia.

- Brad Haugaard

Free Gardening Workshop for Monrovia | World Vision

~ Free Smart Gardening Workshop at Recreation Park, next to the entrance of the Boys and Girls Club on Saturday, April 21, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Info about composting, grass recycling, water and fire-wise gardening, fruit harvesting and native plant selection. Monrovians will be able to buy discount compost bins. Plus, free mulch while it lasts. Bring a shovel, gloves, and containers for mulch. Call Environmental Services at 932-5553 for further details.

~ Monrovia relief agency, World Vision, reports that "nsufficient rains in Somalia threaten to reverse gains made since last year’s famine."

- Brad Haugaard

Video: Monrovia's Senator Talks About Tax Revenue and Pension Reform

In his Capitol Comment video, Senator Bob Huff, who represents Monrovia, talks about lower-than-expected tax revenue and pension reform.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Schools: Maybe Losing $2.37 Million, Buying iPads,Kindergarten, Honoring Employees

At its Wednesday, April 18, 7 p.m. meeting (agenda here: ), the Monrovia School Board will ...

~ Hear a budget report that estimates (assuming Governor Jerry Brown's proposed tax measure fails) that the district will lose $2.37 million for the 2012-13 fiscal year, down to $33.99 million from 2011-12. Lots of detail here:

~ Consider a resolution allowing Monrovia schools to piggyback on Glendale schools contract with Apple Computer.

~ And, probably not coincidentally, consider buying Apple iPads and accessories as part of its digital classroom initiative. Cost: $230,398.91.

~ Hear a report on the Kindergarten Readiness Act, which (though I'm not sure I'm reading it right) seems to allow the district to offer kindergarten in 2012-13 to children born between September 1 and December 2, 2007. This would be part of a two-year kindergarten program. And, no, the state is not currently offering any funding for it.

~ Consider a resolution declaring May 16 as "Staff Appreciation Day," May 9 as "Day of the Teacher," and May 20-26 as "Classified School Employee Week."

The Underbelly of the Bridge

The Gold Line crew has been installing the formwork for the bridge superstructure over the 210 near Santa Anita. "Here you see how the installed forms are beginning to shape the rounded sides and underbelly envisioned by the design concept advisor."

Video of Shrike Mini-Copter Made by Monrovia's AeroVironment

Video of AeroVironment's Shrike mini-copter at a demonstration at Ft. Leonard Wood in Missouri.

Monrovia Neighborhoods | Quinoa Recipes for Trader Joe's | MWH Labs

~ Monrovia is looking for stories about neighborhoods around town to feature in its Monrovia Area Partnership newsletter. Submit story (50-200 words), full name, physical address, email address, and phone number to .
~ Monrovia's Trader Joe's has launched its "Quintessential Quinoa Recipe Contest." Winning recipes will be featured on TJ's website to showcase quinoa's versatility.
~ MWH Laboratories of Monrovia recently became one of the first water and wastewater laboratories in the US to meet all proficiency testing requirements by the Environmental Protection Agency.
- Brad Haugaard

Lunch at Meringue

Lunch at Meringue. Just east of Myrtle on Colorado. Got a soup and half sandwich combo with clam chowder and pan con lechon (pork) sandwich with plantain chips, and since it is mostly a bakery (with Cuban overtones) I got an apple strudel as well. Very nice. I enjoyed it all.

Baseball: Monrovia 2, San Marino 1 :-)

Monrovia Wildcats beat San Marino Titans in baseball.
- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia High Jazz Band Fundraiser at T Phillips

There will be a fundraiser for the Monrovia High Jazz Band at T Phillips on Thursday, April 19 from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.  The Jazz Band will perform from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. and the Alumni Jazz band will perform from 8 to 9 p.m.  Print out the accompanying flyer to give the band a 15 percent kickback when you eat at T Phillips.
- Brad Haugaard

Fundraiser for Relay for Life of Monrovia | Fishing Shop Opens

~ Relay for Life of Monrovia reports on its Facebook page that Merengue Restaurant, at 110 East Colorado in Monrovia, will have a fund raiser for Relay for Life on Sunday, April 15, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. No flyers needed, just mention Relay when ordering pastries or a meal and a percent will be donated to Relay for Life.
~ Wil's Sport and Tackle opens Friday, April 13. The fishing shop is at 310 S. Myrtle. 
- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Honorees

At its April 17 meeting, the Monrovia City Council will honor ...

~ Firefighter Mike Bailey, who "has always been a hard working, dedicated and giving individual, helping people whenever he can. Those efforts continued through several more projects with Rebuilding Together- Los Angeles and earned him the Martin Luther King Jr. Volunteer Award, as well as a letter of Commendation from President Obama. Mike continues to work with Rebuilding Together- Los Angeles helping preserve affordable housing while revitalizing communities within the region, along with his many success within the Monrovia Fire Department."

~ Girl Scout Leaders Joan Stiegelmar, Vicke Thrower, and Joyce Santillan "for their contributions to the community and its youth through their dedicated service as volunteers and leaders with the Girl Scouts of Greater Los Angeles."

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Council to Consider Tax Break for New Car Dealership

At its April 17 meeting, the Monrovia City Council will consider giving a proposed new car dealership at 1305 S. Mountain a 50 percent cut on its taxes, up to a max of $750,000, to help it set up shop selling Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, and Ram vehicles. City staff is recommending doing this because "new dealerships require a significant amount of tenant improvements."
Also on the agenda: approve the employment agreement with the new city manager, trash hauling, workers compensation, and a federal anti-drug grant.
- Brad Haugaard

Video: Chronicle of Development of AeroVironment's Hummingdrone

A cool DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) video of the development by Monrovia's AeroVironment of its cool hummingbird drone.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Day Coming Up in May

The schedule for Monrovia Day, which is Monrovia’s Birthday:

Saturday, May 12: Fire Department Pancake Breakfast
Sunday, May 13: Mother’s Day Old Home Tour
Saturday, May 19
~ 7 a.m.- Monrovia Fountain to the Falls 7 mile run/walk
~ 10 a.m.- Monrovia Day Parade down Myrtle Avenue
~ 12 p.m.- Activities in Library Park including Dunk tank and activities in Old Town
~ 1 p.m.- Monrovia city-wide spelling bee
~ 4 p.m.- Concert in Library Park
- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Fire Department Will Provide New Emergency Respiratory Care

The Fire Department has received approval from the LA County Emergency Medical Services Agency to begin using Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP), a medical procedure for patients having trouble breathing. The department will purchase new equipment to provide this care by the end of this month.

From the Fire Department report:

This new procedure has been shown to have a dramatic positive impact on survivability and recovery of patients suffering asthma attacks, congestive heart failure and other respiratory ailments.  Each Paramedic and Emergency Medical Technician has been taught the signs and symptoms of patients that meet CPAP and specialized equipment has been ordered that will be carried on all of the Paramedic units. 

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia City Council Hears Proposal for Prep Work Around Coming Gold Line Station

The City Council met with City Staff to listen to a proposal set forth by the IMA group.   The IMA group is a landscape design team responsible for the public improvements around the Paragon housing development as well as extensive work for other cities and private companies, including the Disney Hotel renovation and the City of Perris Transit Station. IMA proposed potential designs for new medians, increased landscaping, improved lighting, and traffic calming mechanisms.  The project includes improvements such as underground utilities, improved intersections along Duarte Road, California Avenue and Myrtle Avenue, and much needed landscaping along the entrances to the 210 freeway.
- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police: Car Theft; Meth and Burglary Bust

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for April 9-11. - Brad Haugaard]
During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 430 service events, resulting in 76 investigations.  
Grand Theft Auto
April 11 at 3:12 a.m., a vehicle was reported stolen from the driveway of a residence in the 1700 block of Encino.  The incident occurred sometime between 10:30 p.m. and 3:00 a.m.  The vehicle is a burgundy, four-door,1993 Toyota Camry.  Investigation continuing.
Possession of Narcotics / Burglary Tools - Suspect Arrested
April 12 at 3:53 a.m., an officer observed a suspicious vehicle in the area of Eighth and Duarte.  The vehicle made some evasive moves and then suddenly stopped on Tenth, south of Duarte.  The driver jumped out of the vehicle and threw something, which was later found to be methamphetamine.  The suspect was detained and a search of the vehicle revealed burglary tools and a sack of pistol ammunition.  The suspect, a known gang member, was arrested without further incident.

Monrovia Cinco de Mayo Fest on April 29

The Monrovia Cinco de Mayo Association will host its signature event, Monrovia Cinco de Mayo Cultural Art and Music Festival Sunday, April 29 from 12 pm until 9 pm on Myrtle Avenue in Old Town Monrovia.  This free, all-ages Old Town street festival features musical performances from popular local and international artists, a children’s area, over 100 booths featuring local artists, a canned food drive benefiting the Foothill Unity Center, and more.  

 Over 15,000 people are expected to attend the second year celebration. Monrovia will join over 100 US cities celebrating the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Puebla.

 The all-day festival kicks-off with ballet Folklorico and traditional Oaxacan calenda dance performances. Followed by musical renderings by La Santa Cecilia, whose unique sound blends Pan-American rhythms like cumbia, bossa nova, rumba, and tango with modern rock and jazz. The fiesta continues at the children’s stage where circus clowns, a bubble and exotic animal show and more await kids partaking in the festivities. Attendees will also be treated to Monrovia’s own Delgado Brothers performing their Latin infused blues and have the opportunity to savor many flavors of Mexican cuisine from local area favorite, Rudy’s Mexican Food as well as other delicious cuisine from participating restaurants.

 The cultural and arts festival will also include performances from Juan Carlos Quintero, Los Dominantes and Potro Norteno. The celebration will culminate with a very special performance from ranchera Mexican crooner Hector Dominguez and Los Caporales de Santos Beccerra belting out heartfelt ballads and classics.

 “The Monrovia Cinco De Mayo Cultural Art and Music Festival in 2011 began as a way to showcase local talent, build community, and celebrate the many historic   contributions Mexican Americans and all Hispanics have made to this great country. I am thrilled at the amazing response the event garnered last year and am excited to continue and expand this wonderful cultural celebration," said  Rutilio  Castrellon, President of the Monrovia Cinco de Mayo Association.

 In addition, the Monrovia Cinco de Mayo Cultural Art and Music Festival will involve a philanthropic aspect to the celebration. With the events strong ties to the community a can food drive will take place at the event to benefit the Foothill Unity Center. The Foothill Unity Center provides food, crisis assistance and access to health care resources to San Gabriel Valley families. All services are free. Last year, the Foothill Unity Center helped over 12,000 families.

The public is encouraged to bring canned foods to the event. The goal is to collect over 5,000 canned goods and non-perishable food items at the event.  

 The second year, Monrovia Cinco de Mayo Cultural Art and Music Festival is a high-spirited affair that celebrates community, music, and philanthropy. The focus of Monrovia’s Cinco de Mayo Celebration is to bring the community together for a fun-filled, family event while celebrating the beauty and rich-history of the city.

 For more information on the Monrovia Cinco de Mayo Cultural Arts and Music Festival, please visit

 Source: Press release

 - Brad Haugaard


Monrovia Gardens on Tour | Shevlins Honored | Rain Postpones Games | Gold Line Wins Website Award

~ 9th Annual Theodore Payne Garden Tour this Saturday and Sunday. Pix of the Monrovia gardens here:

 ~ Monrovians Chris and Becky Shevlin will be honored with the Mary Wilcox Youth Advocacy Award at this year's Boys & Girls Club of the Foothills.

 ~ Rain postponed a couple Monrovia games.

 ~ The Gold Line Foothill Extension Construction Authority has received the 2011 Service Industry Advertising Merit Award for website design:

 - Brad Haugaard

Republicans Ask Brown for Help Against Democrats Against Brown

State Senate Republican Leader Bob Huff (who represents Monrovia) and the Republican Senate leadership, have sent a letter to Governor Jerry Brown asking for his leadership in urging his Democratic colleagues and the members of the Conference Committee on Public Employee Pensions to allow an up or down vote to be taken on Governor Brown’s “Twelve Point Pension Reform Plan” at the committee’s hearing on Friday, April 13th.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia School Year Could be Cut | Boot Camp Bill

~ Monrovia school year could be cut by 21 days.
~ "Boot camps," such as the one run in Pasadena by now-arrested  Monrovian, Kelvin McFarland. Assemblyman Anthony Portantino, who represents part of Monrovia, is helping push the legislation.
- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia's World Vision Suspends Relief in Mali Due to Insecurity

Monrovia's World Vision has halted its relief efforts in the African country of Mali because of insecurity following a recent coup, but says it will "resume relief work as soon as the security situation allows."

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Chamber Wants Local Control of Ontario Airport

The Monrovia Chamber of Commerce reports via Twitter that it "is supporting the effort to obtain local control of Ontario Airport." (LA currently controls it.) A petition page:
- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Assemblyman's Smog Bill Shot Down

Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, who represents part of Monrovia, says a smog-check bill he presented was voted down on a party line vote. Donnelly writes: "Current law requires that a vehicle receive a new smog check both every 2 years and upon transfer of vehicle ownership even if the vehicle being transferred is already in compliance. This duplicative requirement is unnecessary and creates another financial burden for Californians." Source:
- Brad Haugaard

Job Event | Will Scoby Play for Monrovia? | MHS Scholarship | Mayflower Fundraiser | Biz Showcase | Green-Tech Talk

~ All-day job seekers event from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, May 5 at the library. Details:
~ Football player Kurt Scoby to Monrovia or Duarte?
~ Monrovia High ASB is raising money for a scholarship in honor of former MHS student, Davien Gram, who was a victim of gang violence. This scholarship will be awarded to a senior who writes an essay best describing how gang violence has affected his or her life.
~ Fundraiser for Mayflower School tonight at Islands Restaurant. Print this coupon:
~ A Business Showcase in Old Town Monrovia on Friday, April 27, in the 700 block of Myrtle Ave., 5-9 p.m. at the Family Festival. Details for exhibitors here:
~ A green-tech talk on Earth Day, 1-3 p.m. April 21 at the Monrovia Library. Speaker is Gale Banks of Gale Banks Engineering. 256-8274 to reserve a spot.
- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia Police: Craigslist Robbery, Pink-Primer Burglarmobile, Waving a Pistol, Etc.

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for April 5-8. - Brad Haugaard]
Following are the weekend's highlighted issues and events.  
April 5 at 2:14 p.m., a robbery was reported in the 1600 block of South Mountain.  A female victim went to a business parking lot to meet a subject she contacted on Craigslist.  The victim was purchasing a brand new iPhone from the suspect.  The suspect approached the victim, who was standing outside her vehicle, and handed her a box.  As she inspected the box, the suspect grabbed her money from the front pocket of her sweatshirt, and the force caused her to fall backwards. The suspect fled with the money, running north towards Evergreen.  He was described as a male White, 30 years old, 6'0", 180 pounds, black spiked hair, wearing a grey sweatshirt.  Investigation continuing.
Residential Burglary
April 5 at 5:42 p.m., a resident in the 100 block of Mountain reported that someone had broken into their home.  The suspect entered the location through a front window and ransacked the home, taking jewelry, a safe, and other miscellaneous items.   A neighbor saw a possible suspect on the property.  The suspect is described as a male Hispanic or Filipino, 25 years old, 5'5", thin build, wearing glasses, a tan sweater and blue jeans. The suspect was driving a white, 2 door, older model Acura, with pink primer around the doors and a black paper license plate with the word "power" written on it.  Investigation  continuing.
Vehicle Burglary
April 5 at 5:54 p.m., a vehicle burglary was reported in the 300 block of South Canyon.  The victim parked her vehicle on the street at 7:30 p.m. and returned to her vehicle the next morning at 9:00 a.m.  There were no signs of forced entry, and the victim did not realize a seat was missing from the vehicle until 5:00 p.m. that day.  She then reported the burglary to police.  Investigation continuing.
Vehicle Burglary
April 6 at 10:48 a.m., a vehicle was reported burglarized in the 1800 block of Sixth Avenue.  The vehicle was parked in the street in front of a residence at 1:00 a.m. and locked.  The victim returned to vehicle 10:30 a.m. and found the passenger door unlocked.  The glove compartment was ransacked and her purse was taken from the trunk.  The investigation is continuing.
Brandishing a Handgun in a Threatening Manner
April 8 at 7:00 p.m., officers were dispatched to a residence in the 100 block of Los Angeles Street regarding a suspect that drove by in a black Nissan Altima, brandishing a handgun in a threatening manner.  The Foothill Air Support Team helicopter was monitoring the radio frequency and located the suspect vehicle.  The helicopter directed responding units to the vehicle and it was stopped at Ivy and Cypress.  The victim positively identified the vehicle and the driver, as the suspect, but she did not desire prosecution.  The vehicle was searched, but the gun was not located.  The driver was unlicensed and did not have valid identification.  He was arrested and later released upon verifying his identity.  A passenger was arrested for violation of Monrovia's gang injunction and was taken into custody.  Two other occupants in the vehicle were identified and released.
Special Enforcement Team Weekly Activity
Weapons Violation - Suspect Arrested
April 7 at 8:20 p.m., Special Enforcement Team officers conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle in the area of Treelane and Camino Real because the license plate was found to have a warrant associated to it.  Upon contacting the female driver, she was found to be unlicensed.  A search of the vehicle revealed a small amount of marijuana inside the vehicle and a handgun was found concealed in the engine compartment; the gun was wrapped in a white towel and wedged against the vehicle battery.  The male passenger is the registered owner of the vehicle.  He was arrested and charged for possessing the firearm.  He was also found to be in possession of a stolen access card.