Possible Westbound Freeway Closures | Monrovia Woman in Crossfit Championships
~ Monrovia athlete will participate in Crossfit regional championships. http://goo.gl/RF6q4
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Police: Shot in Shoulder, Herding a Bear, Open-Door Driving
[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for April 26-29 – Brad Haugaard]
Following are the weekend's highlighted issues and events.
Assault With a Deadly Weapon
April 26 at 11:03 p.m., dispatch received a call from the California Highway Patrol advising that a male subject had been shot in the shoulder and was at a location in the 300 block of West Central. Officers responded and contacted the victim. The victim reported that he and a male friend were in the front yard of the location, and he was making his way to the front door when shots rang out. He was struck in the shoulder and immediately went inside the location. The friend saw two male subjects run east on Central toward Magnolia and out of sight. The victim was taken to a hospital, where he was treated and released. Investigation continuing.
Driving Under the Influence / Traffic Collision
April 26 at 11:36 p.m., a motorist reported a driver slumped behind the wheel of a vehicle at Duarte and Sixth. Officers responded and located the vehicle. The male driver was slumped over the wheel, the engine was running, and the vehicle had struck a fence in the 800 block of West Duarte. The driver did not have any visible injuries, but he appeared to be quite intoxicated. He was taken to a hospital to be checked for injury and charges will be reviewed by the District Attorney for filing consideration.
Residential Burglary
April 27 at 3:52 p.m., a residential burglary was reported in the 200 block of Poinsettia. The suspect(s) entered an unlocked window and stole cash and coins from an unlocked safe. The victims are elderly and had left the residence for only for a few hours to visit family. Investigation continuing.
Bear Sighting
April 27 at 2:05 p.m., a bear was sighted in the area of Sunset and Highland. Officers worked to get the bear to move north toward the foothills. The bear went up a tree at Highland and Hillcrest. The officers continued to observe the bear from a distance until it came down out of the tree. The bear then went back up into the mountains.
Large Party / Under Age Drinking
April 27 at 9:07 p.m., officers responded to a residence in the 500 block of North Alta Vista regarding a large party. When officers arrived, they assessed the number of people at the party to be several hundred. The only resident present was a 16-year-old male subject and there was no adult supervision. Alcohol and marijuana consumption had been taking place. Additional officers responded, including the Special Enforcement Team, the Foothill Air Support helicopter, and several officers from Arcadia Police Department. It took some time to clear the property of all the party goers. Several minors were cited for possession of alcohol. An adult sister of the 16-year-old resident responded and both were cited.
On April 28, the adult sister called police to report that a camera and a laptop computer were stolen from the house during the party. A young man was seen carrying a laptop from the party. Investigation continuing.
Possession of Hypodermic Needles / Possession of Anabolic Steroids – Suspect Arrested
April 28 at 1:59 a.m., an officer saw a vehicle driving out of a parking lot in the 400 block of Foothill with one of its doors open. The officer notified the driver, but the driver ignored him and drove away at a high rate of speed. The officer followed the vehicle and made a traffic stop in the 100 block of Acacia. Although the driver was found not to be under the influence, a full box of syringes and a package of anabolic steroids were found in the vehicle. The subject was arrested and taken into custody and a search warrant was written for a residence in Arcadia.
At 7:13 p.m., officers, assisted by the Special Enforcement Team, went to a residence in the 1200 block of East Magnis in Arcadia to serve a search warrant. The search warrant resulted in finding quantities of mushrooms and marijuana. Additional charges of possession of controlled substance and possession of marijuana for sales were added to the suspect's offenses.
Medical Assist
April 29 at 9:14 p.m., an officer was dispatched to the 300 block of West Colorado regarding a woman who was not breathing. When the officer arrived, he checked the woman's vital signs and determined she was not breathing and did not have a pulse. The officer directed the woman's fiancé to begin rescue breathing while he administered chest compressions on the woman. CPR was continued on the woman for several minutes until paramedics arrived and took her to a local hospital, where she received advanced medical treatment and was successfully brought back to life.
Stop Graffiti Bounty Program
One of the methods the Monrovia Police Department is using to combat graffiti in the community of Monrovia is the Stop Graffiti Bounty Program. If a citizen reports an incident of graffiti in the City of Monrovia that leads to the arrest of the suspect, the citizen will receive a $100 bill. Help keep Monrovia looking great!
- Brad Haugaard
No Flinging Monrovia Signs Over the Hillside Allowed
Military Re-Enactors, Yogurt, Huff on Governor's Bill
~ Yogurtland to open soon (east side of Myrtle just south of Foothill). http://goo.gl/oUmLn
~ Senator Bob Huff, who represents Monrovia, writes: "Senator Mimi Walters and I recently sent a letter to Governor Jerry Brown asking for his leadership in urging his Democratic colleagues and the members of the Conference Committee on Public Employee Pensions to allow an up or down vote to be taken on Governor Brown's 'Twelve Point Pension Reform Plan.'" ( http://goo.gl/AFS1J ) Comment: Here we have Republicans introducing a Democratic governor's bill, verbatim, and now the Republicans are asking a Democratic governor to try to persuade Democratic legislators to allow a Democratic governor's bill to be voted on. Bizarre.
- Brad Haugaard
Marines Order Drones from Monrovia's AeroVironment
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia School Board Member to Represent District at Democratic National Convention | Job Workshop | Library Friends
~ All-day free workshop at the Library to help job-seekers freshen up resumés, interview wardrobes and sharpen job hunting skills. http://goo.gl/QAgMA
~ Want to be a member of the Friends of the Monrovia Library? Membership meeting May 16. http://goo.gl/G3vhn
- Brad Haugaard
Pea-Fowl Invade Monrovia
- Brad Haugaard
Baseball: San Marino 3, Monrovia 0
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia City Council: New City Manager, Honoring Residents, Buying Lots of Stuff
~ Welcome and swear in new City Manager Laurie K. Lile.
~ Recognize Mark Still as the 2012 Monrovia Older American of the Year.
~ Recognize longtime resident and longtime member of Kiwanis Don Yost for his dedication and years of valuable contributions to the community. Members of the Monrovia Kiwanis Club will be on hand to accept the Certificate of Recognition on behalf of Mr. Yost.
~ Consider authorizing the purchase of a $40,445 computer that will allow the Police Department "to use the current and future Spillman software versions, which are unable to run on the current server which is outdated." Comment: Wow! That's a way expensive computer.
~ Consider buying $14,536 worth of signs (two for each entry point) for the hillside preserve and recreation area.
~ Consider buying the Fire Department a new Records Management System for $19,988.82 (paid entirely by the State) and 19 iPad computers for $14,192.64 (paid entirely from the California Firefighter Joint Apprenticeship Committee).
~ Consider an updated and extended contract with Athens for trash pick-up.
- Brad Haugaard
Rubber Mold for Freeway Bridge | Monrovia Business Showcase | Huff on Money for Schools
Lunch at China Express
- Brad Haugaard
Cinco De Mayo This Sunday in Monrovia

Monrovia Spelling 'Zom-Bee'
Monrovia's Green Dot: Good Earnings | Water Into Mortgages
Monrovia Assemblyman's Audit-the-Legislature Bill Voted Down
Monrovia Police: Million Dollar Warrant, Bad Checks, Overdose, Arrest of Molester, Etc.
Senate Committee Votes Down Monrovia Senator's Ads-on-Buses Bill
And here's Huff's comments on video: http://goo.gl/uTtLh
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Summer School Choices | Music Dinner | Cupcake Contest | Scholarships
New Monrovia Gym | First Place in Baseball
Local Legislators Want Clarification on Gold Line's Use of Funds
- Brad Haugaard
Robber Bridegroom Performances at Monrovia High | Canned Food for Cinco de Mayo | Barbecue for Babies
Portantino Bill Would Require Politicians to Reveal More About their Finances
Monrovia Assemblymember's Rape Kit Bill Approved by Committee
Monrovia School Board Concerned About Its Internet Provider | Portantino vs. 710 | Students for Counselor
Monrovia Relief Organization Warns of Hunger in Africa
Monrovia in Playoffs? | Postal Food | Tuition for Military | Surgery for Gordo | Former Monrovia Police Officer Promoted
Assembly Committee Kills Monrovia Assemblyman's Whistleblower Bill
"I am deeply disappointed that once again an Assembly Committee chose to kill Whistleblower Protection for capitol employees," said Assemblymember Portantino. "For more than 35 years, the Whistleblower Protection Act has covered employees of every other state agency or department except the Legislature. It makes no sense that legislators would kill this bill; what do they have to hide? If we truly want to root out fraud and waste in state government, we have to provide protection for those who come forward with claims so they can be candid without fear of reprisal."
AB 2256 would have established the California Legislature Whistleblower Protection Act and would have given legislative employees legal protections from reprisals for reporting government wrongdoing such as waste, fraud and abuse. The measure would have required the Rules Committees of both the Assembly and Senate to receive written complaints and forward them on to the California Fair Practices Committee (FPPC) to investigate. Penalties for retaliation would have included a $10,000 fine.
By maintaining a self-serving exemption we are communicating a self-serving message instead of focusing on common core values. We should be fostering and encouraging folks to report waste, fraud and abuse, not stifling those reports," said Portantino. "I am extremely disappointed that a committee which unanimously passed a similar bill in January would kill one today. It begs the question, what is the Assembly hiding?"
Freeway Bridge Mold
And here is a six-minute video of construction progress and what to expect. Very cool time lapse.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia High Dance and Color Guard Wins
Monrovia High Reunion - Class of '72

Alums can call Shirley Slattery at 626-387-3906 for more information or on Facebook at: MHS Class of 1972 - 40th Reunion
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Edged by Glendora in Girls Track; Boys Win
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Assemblyman's Interest Rate Bill Approved by Assembly Committee
Monrovia Police: Biking Under the Influence, Boxers Only, Burned by Marijuana, Traffic Injuries, Shoplifting, Etc
Monrovia Schools Community Budget Meeting
Monrovia Movie Music concert
- Brad Haugaard
Berdan Records Opens in Monrovia
- Brad Haugaard
Helping Monrovia's Foothill Unity Center
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Girls Named to All-Stars | Monrovia 0, La Canada 2 :-( | Portantino Visits Gables
Will Transit Sales Tax be on November Ballot?
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Library's 'Altered Books' | Crash Sends 2 to Hospital | Injured Student Returns to School | Huff on Budget Shenanigans | Cities Legal Fees | Bridge
Lunch at Casa Jimenez
Lunch at Casa Jimenez. On Mountain just in front of Home Depot. Got the Buritto Pollo with grilled chicken from the lunch menu. About $8.45 with drink. Window sign saying changed ownership. Nice mild food, but with some spicy salsas if you want to give it a kick.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Drones in Morocco | Lots of Lenses
Young Monrovia Leaders
Comedy Hypnotism at Monrovia High | Huff Bill Turned Down | How Much You Can Save if You Sell Your Car
Monrovia Police: Burglaries, and the Grandparents Scam
Monrovia Lab Files Drug Application with FDA
- Brad Haugaard
SoPas Over Monrovia in Swimming :-( | Forest Volunteer Opportunity
Monrovia Representative's Bill Would Require Teaching US Constitution
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Fruit Expert | Cinco de Mayo Volunteers Needed | Shevlin in Lights
Be a Monrovia Member of a San Gabriel Valley Traffic Study Team
Monrovia's Mt. Sierra Hiring | Portantino Bills Pass Early Step
Overview of Monrovia Schools Budget: Biggest Challenges in Decades
Nominations for Businesswoman of the Year
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Over South Pas | $180k for New City Manager | Portantino | Aerovironment | Portantino | Groceries
Two Bills By Monrovia Assemblyman Voted Down
Monrovia Wrestling | Poor Scott Ochoa | Job Seeker Help
Monrovia's Representative Wants to Tighten Outside-Income Reporting for Legislators
Each year, politicians and public officials must complete what is known as a Form 700 – Statement of Economic Interest. It gives the public and watchdog groups a way to keep tabs on the outside financial interests of officeholders and other officials to ensure that they avoid conflicts of interest.
“The problem with the current form is that it contains income ranges of such wide dollar amounts that it’s almost impossible for the public to decipher our actual outside incomes,” said Assemblymember Portantino. “That’s why I am proposing we modernize and update the reporting ranges to create a more accurate accounting and subsequent accountability.”
Portantino’s AB 2162, which calls for updating and restructuring dollar ranges, was approved today in Assembly Elections and Redistricting Committee. Currently there are only 4 ranges for investments, property and income. This bill would revise the dollar amounts associated with these ranges to 8 levels for investments and real estate and 10 levels for income ranges.
“These forms haven’t been updated in more than 35 years and are way out-of-date. It’s time to make sure the public, good government advocates and the media know where there are potential conflicts,” commented Portantino.
The Political Reform Act of 1974 requires persons holding specified public offices to file disclosures of investments, real property interests, and income within specified periods of assuming or leaving office, and annually while holding the office. The act requires the disclosures to include a statement indicating, within a specified value range, the fair market value of investments or interests in real property and the aggregate value of income received from a source.
Monrovia High Students Win Entrepreneurship Award | Bradoaks Auction | Parrot Utility Box
Monrovia Assemblyman Would Require Legislators to Pay for Vanity Plates
Monrovia Police: Lots of Graffiti, Fighting (with Bats?), 17 Pairs of Pants, Shoplifting, Drugs, Etc.
210 Closure Tonight
- Brad Haugaard
From Memphis to Monrovia | Early Monrovia News Clips
~ Snippets from early-days Monrovia newspapers. http://goo.gl/OBaZS
- Brad Haugaard
Video of Food Truck Association Lawsuit Vs. Monrovia
Video about the lawsuit by the Southern California Mobile Food Vendor's Association against Monrovia. http://goo.gl/jO3zu
- Brad Haugaard
Free Gardening Workshop for Monrovia | World Vision
~ Free Smart Gardening Workshop at Recreation Park, next to the entrance of the Boys and Girls Club on Saturday, April 21, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Info about composting, grass recycling, water and fire-wise gardening, fruit harvesting and native plant selection. Monrovians will be able to buy discount compost bins. Plus, free mulch while it lasts. Bring a shovel, gloves, and containers for mulch. Call Environmental Services at 932-5553 for further details. http://goo.gl/YTq4x
~ Monrovia relief agency, World Vision, reports that "nsufficient rains in Somalia threaten to reverse gains made since last year’s famine." http://goo.gl/R16lu
- Brad Haugaard
Video: Monrovia's Senator Talks About Tax Revenue and Pension Reform
In his Capitol Comment video, Senator Bob Huff, who represents Monrovia, talks about lower-than-expected tax revenue and pension reform. http://goo.gl/uhdZm
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Schools: Maybe Losing $2.37 Million, Buying iPads,Kindergarten, Honoring Employees
The Underbelly of the Bridge
Video of Shrike Mini-Copter Made by Monrovia's AeroVironment
Video of AeroVironment's Shrike mini-copter at a demonstration at Ft. Leonard Wood in Missouri. http://goo.gl/dLYYH
Monrovia Neighborhoods | Quinoa Recipes for Trader Joe's | MWH Labs
Lunch at Meringue
Lunch at Meringue. Just east of Myrtle on Colorado. Got a soup and half sandwich combo with clam chowder and pan con lechon (pork) sandwich with plantain chips, and since it is mostly a bakery (with Cuban overtones) I got an apple strudel as well. Very nice. I enjoyed it all.
Baseball: Monrovia 2, San Marino 1 :-)
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia High Jazz Band Fundraiser at T Phillips
Fundraiser for Relay for Life of Monrovia | Fishing Shop Opens
Monrovia Honorees
Monrovia Council to Consider Tax Break for New Car Dealership
Video: Chronicle of Development of AeroVironment's Hummingdrone
A cool DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) video of the development by Monrovia's AeroVironment of its cool hummingbird drone. http://goo.gl/9N9vu
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Day Coming Up in May
Monrovia Fire Department Will Provide New Emergency Respiratory Care
This new procedure has been shown to have a dramatic positive impact on survivability and recovery of patients suffering asthma attacks, congestive heart failure and other respiratory ailments. Each Paramedic and Emergency Medical Technician has been taught the signs and symptoms of patients that meet CPAP and specialized equipment has been ordered that will be carried on all of the Paramedic units.
Monrovia City Council Hears Proposal for Prep Work Around Coming Gold Line Station
Monrovia Police: Car Theft; Meth and Burglary Bust
Monrovia Cinco de Mayo Fest on April 29
The Monrovia Cinco de Mayo Association will host its signature event, Monrovia Cinco de Mayo Cultural Art and Music Festival Sunday, April 29 from 12 pm until 9 pm on Myrtle Avenue in Old Town Monrovia. This free, all-ages Old Town street festival features musical performances from popular local and international artists, a children’s area, over 100 booths featuring local artists, a canned food drive benefiting the Foothill Unity Center, and more.
Over 15,000 people are expected to attend the second year celebration. Monrovia will join over 100 US cities celebrating the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Puebla.
The all-day festival kicks-off with ballet Folklorico and traditional Oaxacan calenda dance performances. Followed by musical renderings by La Santa Cecilia, whose unique sound blends Pan-American rhythms like cumbia, bossa nova, rumba, and tango with modern rock and jazz. The fiesta continues at the children’s stage where circus clowns, a bubble and exotic animal show and more await kids partaking in the festivities. Attendees will also be treated to Monrovia’s own Delgado Brothers performing their Latin infused blues and have the opportunity to savor many flavors of Mexican cuisine from local area favorite, Rudy’s Mexican Food as well as other delicious cuisine from participating restaurants.
The cultural and arts festival will also include performances from Juan Carlos Quintero, Los Dominantes and Potro Norteno. The celebration will culminate with a very special performance from ranchera Mexican crooner Hector Dominguez and Los Caporales de Santos Beccerra belting out heartfelt ballads and classics.
“The Monrovia Cinco De Mayo Cultural Art and Music Festival in 2011 began as a way to showcase local talent, build community, and celebrate the many historic contributions Mexican Americans and all Hispanics have made to this great country. I am thrilled at the amazing response the event garnered last year and am excited to continue and expand this wonderful cultural celebration," said Rutilio Castrellon, President of the Monrovia Cinco de Mayo Association.
In addition, the Monrovia Cinco de Mayo Cultural Art and Music Festival will involve a philanthropic aspect to the celebration. With the events strong ties to the community a can food drive will take place at the event to benefit the Foothill Unity Center. The Foothill Unity Center provides food, crisis assistance and access to health care resources to San Gabriel Valley families. All services are free. Last year, the Foothill Unity Center helped over 12,000 families.
The public is encouraged to bring canned foods to the event. The goal is to collect over 5,000 canned goods and non-perishable food items at the event.
The second year, Monrovia Cinco de Mayo Cultural Art and Music Festival is a high-spirited affair that celebrates community, music, and philanthropy. The focus of Monrovia’s Cinco de Mayo Celebration is to bring the community together for a fun-filled, family event while celebrating the beauty and rich-history of the city.
For more information on the Monrovia Cinco de Mayo Cultural Arts and Music Festival, please visit www.monrovia5demayo.org.
Source: Press release
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Gardens on Tour | Shevlins Honored | Rain Postpones Games | Gold Line Wins Website Award
~ 9th Annual Theodore Payne Garden Tour this Saturday and Sunday. Pix of the Monrovia gardens here: http://goo.gl/wVjXO
~ Monrovians Chris and Becky Shevlin will be honored with the Mary Wilcox Youth Advocacy Award at this year's Boys & Girls Club of the Foothills. http://goo.gl/PBP4p
~ Rain postponed a couple Monrovia games. http://goo.gl/kLjsU
~ The Gold Line Foothill Extension Construction Authority has received the 2011 Service Industry Advertising Merit Award for website design: http://goo.gl/ehO6r
- Brad Haugaard
Republicans Ask Brown for Help Against Democrats Against Brown
State Senate Republican Leader Bob Huff (who represents Monrovia) and the Republican Senate leadership, have sent a letter to Governor Jerry Brown asking for his leadership in urging his Democratic colleagues and the members of the Conference Committee on Public Employee Pensions to allow an up or down vote to be taken on Governor Brown’s “Twelve Point Pension Reform Plan” at the committee’s hearing on Friday, April 13th. http://goo.gl/l8Bjg
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia School Year Could be Cut | Boot Camp Bill
Monrovia's World Vision Suspends Relief in Mali Due to Insecurity
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Chamber Wants Local Control of Ontario Airport
- Brad Haugaard