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Monrovia City Council: Tattoos and a Large Multi-Unit Residential Complex

At its Tuesday meeting (agenda the Monrovia City Council will consider...

~ Tattoo parlors in Old Town. The staff report says “the perception of tattoos continues to evolve” and a poll shows Old Town merchants favor them by 63 percent and Old Town landowners are split 50/50. Here are the details:

~ A “transit-oriented, 5-story multi-family residential development consisting of 296 apartment units” on the south side of the train tracks across from the train station. Details:

- Brad Haugaard 

1 comment:

  1. On these big development were are the environmental impact reports the city says we got to save water but were increasing the population in Monrovia by 15% on these developments were can we see that that means 300 more vehicles at the train stops at train Intersections
