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Sidewalk Hole Goes To Abandoned Basement | Why Monrovia Washes Its Sidewalks in Drought | Tree Trimming | Used Batteries | Etc.

In his weekly report ( ), City Manager Oliver Chi reports that ...

~ The city has discovered a "mystery hole" in the sidewalk at 135 W. Foothill (this appears to be near the veterinarian hospital between Stedman and Primrose) that leads to an abandoned basement. Closed signs will be posted on the sidewalk near the hole while the city figures out what to do.

~ The city has had a complaint about its roughly twice-monthly pressure-washing of downtown sidewalks. Chi said the "Health and Safety Codes supersedes the Water Conservation Order," and the washing only uses about 180 gallons.

~ For the past 7 years, Monrovia has been on a 6-year tree trimming rotation. Now it is switching back to a 4-year rotation, "which is an industry standard best practice."

~ You can now drop off used batteries at the Community Center (119 W Palm).

~ There will be a summer teen program on Friday nights at Library Park weekly, July 10 through August 21, from 7-9:30 p.m. Activities will include music, games, art, leadership opportunities, food, and more.

~ Monrovia's Gold Line Station dedication will take place on Saturday, September 12, 2015, at 10 a.m.

- Brad Haugaard


  1. great to see our current city gov't hard at work!

  2. "American Horror Story: Monrovia Mystery Hole"
