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Monrovia's Newts - Dangerous

With the recent rains the newts are out in the hills above Monrovia. Cute though they are, a ranger told me they are deadly poisonous.

He said a couple was once found dead. It turned out they had scooped water from a stream, boiled it for coffee and drank it. They scooped up and boiled a newt by accident.

They are rusty brown on top and orange on the bottom Don't even touch.

- Brad Haugaard


  1. The California Coast Range Newt's skin does contain the deadly neurotoxin tetrodotoxin, the same poison found in the Japanese Puffer fish but as long as you don't eat one or don't handle it too roughly, they are relatively harmless. I grew up in the are and have handled hundreds during my many hikes in the local hills and have never suffered any ill effects.Click on the above website for more info about this interesting native salamander.

  2. Keep an eye out for your pets.
