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Share Thoughts on How to Divide Up School District for Elections

The Green map, one proposal for dividing the district.

At the link here are four maps, labeled Green, Maroon, Tan, and Yellow, from the Monrovia School District. Each shows one possibility of how the school district could be divided up geographically so each area could elect its own School Board member.

If you have any thoughts about the four proposals, you can share them at a Zoom meeting, an in-person meeting, or submit your thoughts online.

Virtual Meeting on Zoom.
New Date: Monday, May 13
Time: 6 p.m.
Join Zoom Meeting with this link
Meeting ID: 826 9545 4514
Passcode: 771050

In-person Meeting
Date: Monday, May 20
Time: 6 p.m.
Location: Monrovia High Room 210

You can also share your feedback here:

- Brad Haugaard


  1. I can already see that people are going to accuse district 5 as being favored.

    1. District 5 already is favored. The “north of foothill” crowd run the board through their puppet candidates like Rob and Maritza who just do what their privileged cronies want them to like getting their kids into MASA or some other preferred treatment. Glad all this will change.

  2. It will be great to finally get Pawn Shop Rob off the board. What a clown. Our kids deserve better!
