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Bear Trapping in North Monrovia

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife is trapping bears in North Monrovia. The bear trapper told me the department plans to tag and release the bear in some remote area.

Update: The city checked with Fish and Wildlife, which said no bears are being moved, just tagged.

- Brad Haugaard 


  1. so it wasn’t enough the lousy job they did with trapping the bear and Sierra Madre. Now they’re going to trap some more bears and release them in a place where they’re in danger

  2. This is bull Shit leave them alone. PLEASE.

  3. Yeah well we'll see what you think after your house is broken into and damaged. And if that habituated bear is not captured and euthanized, you can be sure it will be back because it knows there's good food in your house.

    1. You need to move! I can't even believe you would even consider or suggesting euthanizing this beautiful creature for "breaking and entering". BYE-BYE!!!

    2. Bear meat is tasty

  4. It seems as though the city needs to do a better job in educating the public to minimize bear/human negative encounters. It seems strange to me that new neighbors were shocked to find bears in our neighborhood. Shouldn't there be some sort of disclosure in selling property that people are moving into an area that has wildlife?

  5. Is there a count on how many bears have been trapped yet? Is there a website that shows this info?
