Reader Survey: Who Serves the Best Burger in Monrovia?

A reader wrote a few days ago to ask where to find the best burger in Monrovia. Hmm. Good question. I thought I'd ask you. Click


to answer this one-question survey. (And my apologies if I missed a restaurant.)

- Brad Haugaard


  1. Big Shrimps used to serve a pretty good Angus beef burger. But they have changed so much over the years I have no idea if it is still true.

  2. If Monrovia had an In n Out it would be them. Nothing unique about any Monrovia burgers. TOPS on Colorado in Pasadena pretty good, also Nikki C's on Rosemead Blvd. in Pasadena.

  3. There are some really good burgers in Monrovia. 1776 makes my favorite burgers around here. You need to try the new places. Burgers made with hand formed fresh ground beef aren't really comparable to TOPS and In N Out pre-processed patties. But that's just my opinion

  4. Too bad 1776 service is the absolute worst and their burgers are so greasy the bun falls apart.
