Monrovia Association of Fine Arts Confers Annual Awards

Top: Renaissance Award - (l-r) Monrovia Mayor Tom Adams, Councilmember Gloria Crudgington, ChapCare Marketing Supervisor Kevin Reed, Assemblymember Roger Hernandez representative Arturo Nevarez, Councilmember Becky Shevlin. Middle: Heart in the Arts Award - (l-r) Arturo Nevarez, Tom Adams, MAFA Board Member Christine Geltz, Becky Shevlin, Gloria Crudgington. Bottom: Featured Artists - (back row, l-r) Arturo Nevarez, Tom Adams, Gloria Crudgington, Becky Shevlin (front row, l-r) Featured Artists and MAFA Board Members Marianne and Steve McCarthy.

On Oct. 29, during its annual Celebrate the Arts Show & Chalkfest, the Monrovia Association of Fine Arts held its annual awards ceremony at the Monrovia Public Library front entrance. The ceremony featured City Councilmember and MAFA board member Becky Shevlin as emcee and included a welcome from City Manager Oliver Chi. Festival attendees, artists, friends and fans applauded as award winners received the following acknowledgments:

Renaissance Award: MAFA annually presents its Renaissance Award to an individual or organization in the community that best supports MAFA's mission. On Saturday, Mayor Tom Adams presented this year's Renaissance Award, an original metal sculpture by MAFA artist and board member Bill Hyatt, to ChapCare, represented by Kevin Reed, Marketing Supervisor. ChapCare was honored with this award due to their ongoing support of MAFA's Summer Art Walks and Celebrate the Arts events by providing not only financial assistance but staff time and material resources for children's art education activities.

Heart in the Arts Award:  The Heart in the Arts Award goes each year to a MAFA member who has demonstrated outstanding vision, leadership and accomplishment in supporting MAFA's mission. This year, MAFA President Carol Curtis presented the award to Christine Geltz, MAFA board member, membership & marketing chair and Celebrate the Arts chair. In the past year, Christine instituted the MAFA Professional Development Series for artists, stepped up MAFA's social media presence and initiated development of a new MAFA website which will include membership and organizational management functions.

Featured Artists: MAFA had named Steve and Marianne McCarthy as the 53rd Annual Celebrate the Arts Show Featured Artists last fall. Both professional photographers and longtime MAFA board members, the McCarthy's set the show theme "Art in Motion" with their specialty in vehicle and transportation photography. Steve is also the author of several books including "Road Trippin" and "The Extra Virgin Spy Club."

Recognition for each of the above awards was augmented by certificates of commendation from the City of Monrovia and local, state, and federal officials: U.S. Congresswoman Grace Napolitano, U.S. Congresswoman Judy Chu, State Senator Carol Liu, Assemblyman Chris Holden, Assemblyman Roger Hernandez and L.A. County Supervisor Mike Antonovich

During the ceremony, Christine Geltz also acknowledged the support of several community sponsors who received certificates of commendation: Lisa Barrios of Paint 'n' Play Studio, Penny Arroyo of Volunteer Center of San Gabriel Valley, Chris Shevlin of Chicago Title and Luis Castellanos of Orchard Supply Hardware Monrovia. 

Additional community members and entities commended for their support were Pacific Plate Brewing Company (which donated all the beer for the event's beer garden), Mark Maverick (show sound system and announcer), Post Alarm Systems, Blick Art Supplies, Keith Johnson Photography, Brian Huffman Photography, Ward Auto Service, City of Monrovia Department of Community Services and the City of Monrovia.

Source: Press release

- Brad Haugaard

1 comment:

  1. The support for the arts in Monrovia is great. I just wish ChapCare would devote more of its financial and staff resources to actually delivering medical care in town.
