Monrovia Council: Maintenance Issues; Finances; Dial-a-Ride

At the next City Council meeting (agenda: ) the Council will consider a number of maintenance issues:

- Mud and Debris Removal in the Madison Fire Area.

- A contract for design and construction management services for the Huntington Drive median.

- A contract for the preparation of a citywide street reconstruction plan.

Also, a report on city finances. Summary: Looking a bit better with a few glitches:

And, the city may purchase up to four new Dial-a-Ride vehicles:

- Brad Haugaard


  1. Good on the dial-a-ride plans. It's frustrating to call and get chastised for daring to ask to schedule a ride on the same day as I'm calling.

  2. The employees of Monrovia need attitude re-adjustments and it must start at City Hall. The only smiles you see are from our fireman. I would never demand respect but I'LL be damned it I will tolerate disrespect from them.

  3. I'm ignorant here, help me understand why the city provides dial a ride services? Who benefits from it and how many people utilize it?

    1. There's more info at the link at the end of the item. May not answer all your questions but should answer some.

    2. It benefits the residents of Monrovia, especially those how can't or choose not to drive. It's a wonderful service when the scheduling works. It'll be even more useful when the Gold Line station opens.

      And yes, I'd love to see the data on how many folk use the service.

  4. looked into it. Should only be available to disabled and their aides. Otherwise you can walk, ride a bike, take other means of public transportation etc.

  5. Is it just me, or is there a sudden interest in tending to our deferred maintenance issue after Mr. Adams has begun making it a major campaign issue?

    I must say, the number of comments and complaints I get from people has been striking. I spent yesterday campaigning on Hillcrest and Colorado, neither of which has a painted line down the middle any more. People notice these things.

    1. It is a concern. I've been talking about it for 5+ years about the condition of Foothill Blvd. Not sure why the city wants to revamp Huntington Dr when the rest of the city looks like hell.

    2. Anonymous 9:37 AM You have been taking for 5+Years???? That is a long time and a lot of "TALKING". What say you join us at Tuesday Nights CITY Council Meeting. What say WE find out why this city looks like hell? I encourage you to join us. Should you choose to remain ANONYMOUS and continue talking to no one but yourself for another 5++ long years we will understand. I mean you NO disrespect Anonymous 9:37 AM

    3. Actually met with several city council members and staff and have been repeatedly told it isnt a priority. Ive had two strollers and a wagin break because of the sidewalks. I have reasons fir remaining anonymous but diesnt mean i don't participate.

      What difference does it mske anyway if i you know my name or not if my concern is legitimate?

    4. Captain Perry ... I recommend you read Dale Carnegie's book How TO WIN Friends And INFLUENCE People. It was written back last century but still packs a punch.
