Temperature Hits 106 | Monrovia Activities Brochure | Dog Hunting

~ Temperature hits 106 in Monrovia today. http://goo.gl/9ViyU

~ Monrovia's fall/winter activities brochure. You should get one in the mail, but here it is if you need it, all 20 pages: http://goo.gl/BaE7s

~ Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, who represents part of Monrovia, writes an "open letter" to Governor Jerry Brown asking him to veto SB 1221, which would prohibit hunting bear and bobcats with dogs. He said, "It would not, however, prohibit the state's own rangers from doing so. This is the apex of government hypocrisy..." http://goo.gl/uBXzM

- Brad Haugaard

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