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Dinner at Macky’s Noodle House

Dinner at Macky’s Noodle House, at the shopping center at Sixth and Duarte Road. Got the House Special Noodles for $14.75 and a “Soda with Fresh Lemon“ for $6.25. It was fine.

- Brad Haugaard 

Spanish dual-immersion to consolidate to Monroe Elementary; sixth graders to remain at elementary schools

According to a report from Monrovia Assistant Superintendent, Geoff Zamarripa, in the 2025-26 school year, sixth grade students will remain at their elementary schools and Spanish dual immersion classes will be consolidated to Monroe Elementary, while non-dual immersion students at Monroe will move to Wild Rose. If parents of dual immersion students at Wild Rose want to keep their children there, they will have to withdraw them from the dual immersion program. The changes are designed to address the lack of money due to declining enrollment.

- Brad Haugaard 

Chamber of Commerce award nominations open

Nominations are open for the annual Monrovia Chamber of Commerce awards for: New Business of the Year, Small Business of the Year, Large Business of the Year, the Iris Award (Citizen of the Year), and the Monroe Award (Businessperson of the Year).  Submit nominations by 11:59 p.m., Feb. 9. The Awards Gala will be Friday, Feb. 28; winners will be announced at the event. Nominate someone here. Tickets to the gala here.

- Brad Haugaard

Valentines Day Carriage Rides

- Brad Haugaard 

A Moment in Monrovia History: Redeveloping Myrtle Avenue in 1978

Myrtle Avenue was closed to traffic for five months in 1978 as the old downtown was redeveloped into the Old Town shopping, dining and entertainment district. From the Dick Singer collection. See full details here.

For more historic photos and papers, see the Monrovia Historical Society’s complete Legacy Project collection here. Learn more about the Monrovia Historical Society here.

- Brad Haugaard

Produce in the Park Saturday, Feb. 1

Produce in the Park will hold its first-Saturday-of-the-month produce exchange at Library Park on Feb. 1, 9-11 a.m. near the corner of Myrtle and Lime in Library Park.

"At this event we share produce, food, seeds, stories and a smile with family, friends, neighbors, everyone. Come regardless of whether you have produce or food to share as part of our purpose is to ensure that the food we grow is used. Share what you have and take what you need. Neighbor helping neighbor, friend helping friend. This is a FREE event. There is no cost for any produce or food."

- Brad Haugaard

City Council goal setting meeting today

The Monrovia City Council will hold a special goal-setting meeting at 10 a.m. today at the Doubletree Hotel. They will also evaluate the performance of the city manager in closed session. Details.

- Brad Haugaard 

Rotary Club to celebrate first responders


Rotary Club will hold first responder recognition lunches at Jake's Roadhouse and is accepting donations to help support that program. To donate, click here.

- Brad Haugaard 

Gravel bags available in advance of possible weekend rain

In anticipation of possible rain this Saturday through Monday there are self-serve gravel bags available at Recreation Park, (620 S. Shamrock Ave), available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

- Brad Haugaard

Simply Divine plans relief project Saturday for Altadena fire victims

Monrovia's Simply Divine Beauty Supply would like volunteers for an Eaton Fire relief project tomorrow, Saturday, at 11 a.m. at its beauty shop at 421 E. Woodbury Road in Altadena. The shop will give away undergarments, socks, blankets, toiletries, jackets, and more. The company is accepting gift cards for gas, grocery, fast food, or debit gift cards. For questions, call Tyspanie at 586-9844 or Keshia at 831-2228.

- Brad Haugaard

Care Camp for children and youth affected by Eaton Fire

LA County will host a free Care Camp for families affected by the Eaton Fire. The program, held Monday through Friday until January 31, includes music, arts and crafts, sports, and field trips to the LA County Natural History Museum, La Brea Tar Pits, Dodger Stadium, and more. Breakfast, snacks, and lunch will be provided daily; teens will also get supper. Youth camps - Ages 5-12: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Teen camps - Ages 13-17: 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Registration required, here.

- Brad Haugaard

Job Fair at Monrovia Community Adult School Feb. 5

Monrovia Community Adult School (920 S. Mountain) will host a job fair on Wednesday, Feb. 5, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. More than 30 employers from various industries are expected to attend. Free lunch from In-N-Out for those who apply for at least three jobs. Register here.

- Brad Haugaard

New art, artist reception, at Community Center Jan. 31

Monrovia Association of Fine Arts will hold a free artist reception to showcase new art in Artist Alley at the Community Center (119 W Palm) next Friday, Jan. 31 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Live music and refreshments. No RSVP necessary.

- Brad Haugaard

Monrovia traffic engineer selected to oversee transportation for Olympic games

Pat Gibson, Monrovia traffic engineer, has been appointed Director of Venue Transportation for the 2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games. He will oversee all venue transportation for the events. That is equivalent to 8 Super Bowls a day for 16 days in a row.

- Brad Haugaard

Volunteers needed for annual homeless count, Feb. 19

The county's annual homeless count is set for Wednesday, Feb. 19, from 8 p.m. to midnight, starting at the Monrovia Community Center. Volunteers (Register here, or just show up) will cover Monrovia and other areas of the San Gabriel Valley.

- Brad Haugaard