Rainy Days Coming for Monrovia

20% chance of rain Friday, 80% Saturday, 60% Sunday, 30% Monday, 20% Tuesday and 40% Wednesday. http://goo.gl/EoYLBr

- Brad Haugaard


  1. I'm surprise no one's tried to blame this on the mayor yet...

  2. As for me I choose to blame HER for that global warming crap.

  3. I won't blame her for the rain but for the drought I most certainly do.

  4. This is great. A weather report has the Lutz camp all up in arms. Kind of like silly aren't they? Maybe they should practice humming the tunes "love will keep us together" followed by "every thing is beautiful' and conclude with "oh no don't let the rain come down" just to show that they know how to stay on topic. I wonder if Mayor Lutz encourages such thinking and baby talk in her camp.

  5. I guess I made my point.

  6. Nobody cares about your 'point'. Such foolishness just to make your 'point'. Lutz will have her time on the hot seat answering many questions concerning her 6 years at the wheel. Peace to you.
